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YV D V E R T I S E M E N 1.
i N a e f o n o g olareexhbted 1 e Ponr . ofonel nd ed . d fe cmy U ee fp c e oF . .
c o l C d hn e.few.le of.h ™po> Ic cer a U . o pe f n , co n.,
M e.cep.ed. has ever aiTe.bled fo grea. a variety, nor has any coUeaor. perhaps, to boaft the
T o M o n o f d - a l g to any extent of thefe InfeHs. The reafon may probably be, that the objeBs are
o tef po thefguo Id too of en apt to create dfg ft tl e t. a attr a contetnp.at on
her ^ . e E . o perfuaded ha fte d of one . nd ed a d fe e y d ee fpec e mo e t an
ot.b.e U at nun . r o >d . n g f ce . a e bee r d fco ered tb i gdotn nd p oport ona y n o > er
co,.ntHes- In corroboration of this condufion, an obfervation may be adduced. that fearcely . .m -
. e m t l e m a r K n g among any of . e fe era> fpec e n t, e S ed ih otl can be traced n thof
Ihich are given as Engliih ones. It may, therefore, be prefumed. tf perfons, .overs «f Na u r . H ,
: in pr Vincial fituations, .onld. at their leifure, take, defcribe, and get drawings executed aU
: iffe ent they might find, (a thing very attainable, as the objeBs are ea ly caug t a d . th
fame time p e r L l y harmlefs), they might thus furniih the means of enrtchtng a future edttton of th.s
avotdunnecenary repetition, . h i . .ould n.e^r.y
V, ctrred in fpeaking of the eyes, it will fuffice, once for all. to inform the reader, that the fi.e. and
that figure, as they appeared by the help of a common magnifier.
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P L A T E I. FIG. I.
T H I S fpecimen was entirely of a light brown colour, intermingled with dark fpecks. The
two fore legs were the longeft: the two next ihorter, and the hind ones the ihorteft.
Feelers llender, eyes eight. Common in the hedges by Hornfey-Wood.—Taken the middle
of May. It was obferved, that many fmall ones, with fimilar markings, were in company.
From its fwiftnefs in running, it is called the Greyhound-Spider.
P L A T E L Fig. II.
WAS of a dark brown complexion: the upper fide of the belly and back lighter
coloured; bordered on each fide with black; and altogether had a foft downy appearance.
It had eight eyes, and long feelers: taken in a garden, at Hackney, about the loth of April.
P L A T E L Fig. III.
T H I S fpecies was of a lead-colour, with a light ftreak down the middle of the back.
The upper fide of the belly was curioufly marked with white dots, bordered by a waved line
of white. Feelers flender, as thofe of females generally are ; males having globular knobs
at the end of theirs. Young ones have the fame diftinft markings as thofe which are full
grown, but fainter. This is one of the H o u f e - S p i d e r s , and many virtues have been attributed
to an internal ufe of its web in fevers, agues, &c.
P L A T E L Fig. IV.
THE body of this fpecimen was a dark brown; the belly much lighter coloured, and the
whole infeft very hairy. On the upper part of the belly were two rows of black and white
fpots, alternately following each other. The feelers were of a fingular form, having two
knobs on each, the laft ending like the head of a fpear. Eyes eight.—Found under the
coping of a garden-wall, at Newington, the middle of September.
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