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pay no regard to. but they attend diligently to what Is caught in the night and the twilight.
Plate 5, fig. 3.
THE fide eyes are two in each cavity.
THE legs abound with longifli hairs, brlftles, and prickles.
THE thighs are blackilli; the remaining part variegated with blackiih and greyifli.
THE thorax is almoft fquare, flattinr, a little more pointed towards the fore-part; it is
browniih, a little ihining, haiiy, a n d b e g i r t w i t h a narrow greyiih line near the legs.
THE abdomen is ovate, flattiih, coated with foft down, and has in the middle a broad
fpace, furrounded by a multangular line: towards the fides it is white; and above in the
middle black. The fpace itfelf is marked by yellowiih points or fpecks, and near the thorax
four incifures appear, of which the two upper ones are a little fmaller than the others. The
lower or under part of the abdomen is brown, except the fexual organ, which is furrounded
by two white crefcents.
THE arms are variegated like the legs, and are alfo hairy, briftly, and prickly.
THE holders are black, perpendicular, and thinly haired.
THE eggs are yellowiih, glued together in a double bag, forming a mafs about the fize
of a garden-pea at its full growth.
THE young, which I difcovered on the 22d of July, were at firñ black; they quickly
changed their Ikin, and by the end of Auguft acquired half their fize. Lifter, de Aran. fig. 9.
P Y R A M I D A L - S P I D E R .
T H R E E females of this fpecies, plate 10, fig. 7, were found the beginning of Auguft, and
fed to the middle of September: but all this time I could not find a male of this fame fpecies.
One of the females changed its ikin a ftiort time after it was taken.
THE eyes projefted from a yellowifti tubercle: the two upper ones lefs diftant than the
others: the two lateral ones not joined, but fingle, each on its tubercle, placed obliquely.
THE legs whitlfti, with brown circles, white hairs, and black prickles.
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THE abdomen ovate, cohering with the thorax, at a third of its length; marked by a
figure, fomewhat like a NarwahFs horn, of a blackilli colour, feated on the white bafe, and
variegated round about with yellowifli. Two black incifures appear from the region of the
thorax, in a tranfverfe direftion on the middle. On each fide, it is as it were fmoked, and
varied with yellowiih lines, in an oblique direftion: below, between the fexual organ and the
anus, it is black, ornamented on each fide with yellow crefcents, with the horns pointing
inwards. The fexual organ of this female, which happened at this time to be in feafon for
the male, I found to be like what is figured by FRISCH. Germ. Tom. 7. p. 7- tab. 4- 3-
This author, either becaufe he had never feen Spiders in copulation, or had not accurately obferved
them, miftakenly calls the female by the title of the male.
THE arms are whitiih, and armed with hairs, brlftles. and prickles of different lengths.
THE holders are whitiih, ftrewed with fine white down.
E Y E D - S P I D E R .
A FEMALE, taken the middle of June, foon afterwards produced a parcel of eggs, the fize
of a common pea, rolled up in a bag, and depofited in a comer. A week after, another of
the fame fize, which ihe depofited in another corner, and in a week after this another, which
was alfo laid in a third corner: after this the abdomen grew thin. Plate 10, fig. 6.
THE fide-eyes, of which the laft is the fmalleft, are clofe in one cavity.
THE feet abounded with hairs, brlftles, and prickles.
THE thorax was ovate, flat, fomewhat duiky, and covered fomewhat thickly towards the
eyes with white hairs.
THE abdomen is almoft globofe, a little pointed towards the tip; the junaur e by which it
is aiiixed to the breaft ends below, at about a third of its length; it is downy like filk, and
very red, it is ornamented with a blackifli cornucopia, which is marked on each fide by five
rufous contiguous fpots, decorated by a white border, and larger towards'the fore-parts. In