edge, next the legs, is a whitiih margin. The abdomen ovate, pretty uniformly hairy, is extremely
well diftinguiilied from other fpecies, by a black longitudinal wedge, furrounded by a
white border. The wedge is obtufe towards the anterior parts, and fliarp towards the anus.
A fafciculus of long hairs on the upper part, gives the refemblance of a V. where the abdomen
joins the thorax. The V. itfelf is compofed of black hairs, whitifli on the inner part.
The arms have hairs of an unequal length, and fome prickles. The holders are like the arms.
W A V E D - S P I D E R .
O n e fpecies of this was found in low grafs in the beginning of Auguft. Plate 7, fig. 3.
THE eyes as ufual, ilrongly furrounded with hairs. The legs very hairy, and aculeated.
The thorax obtufe, ovate, browniih, flat, filky; with blackiih hairs about the eyes, and a
greyiih line on each fide above the feet. The abdomen ovate, browniih, filky, with a greyiih
wave furrounding the fides. The arms hairy, and iharp pointed. The holders fmallifli
and hairy. , ^
S N O W - S P I D E R .
A . MALE was found, the middle of September, plate 7, fig. 8, and fince I have not hitherto
obferved any female of this kind anfwering to it; I have no doubt of its being a diftindt
THE eyes as ufual. The legs hairy, and of the ufual ilrufture. The thorax rhomboid,
or lozenge-fhaped, rifing, with a broad white point, and two white fpots, towards tlie eyes,
I 1
( 47 )
and with black fides, marked next the legs with a greyiih line. The abdomen longiih,
ovate, hairy; for the moil part white above, marked with two white dots, near the thorax;
beneath greyiih, with blackiih fides. I nouriihed this Spder for fome time, till at length
it made its efcape, from a hole in the box in which it was kept, and which I had forgot to
clofe after feeding it: hence it is not in my power to defcribe particulariy the arms and
S P E C I E S XIIL—A. PiRATicus.
P I R A T I C A L - S P I D E R .
O N the loth of June, I took with much diificulty one of thefe, amongit ruflaes in a water,
where it wa. feeking for prey, in company with many others. I afterwards looked for more
of the fame fpecies in the fame place, very often, but in vain. Whether a windy feafon, or
a rainy one was the caufe of their abfence, or whether the ufual period of their coming there
had expired, I cannot tell. Plate 7, fig. 7.
THE eyes as ufual. The legs very hairy, briftly, and a little aculeated. The thorax almoft
of a rhomboid form, broken oii, or abrupt, as it were, at each end. It is marked in the
middle by a brownifh facula of a ilender form, and which runs firil into a iliarpened blackiih
mark, and then into a very deep black. It has alfo a white lucid margin next the legs; and
has alfo a quantity of long hair of a dark colour upon it. The abdomen ovate, blackiih,
with long hail-, a white border on each fide, and fix whitiih dots, in a double feries, on the
upper part. The arms are furnifhed with longiih thick hair. The holders are hairy.