THE eyes are black, between which and the holders runs a line with chalk-like hairs. The
l e g s , which are dulky, fl.orten in the proportion of 4, i, and 3. They are furmfted with
browniih marks, and with unequally long white hairs, and fome brown ones. The thorax
ovate, greeniih, flat, füky, with a facula near the abdomen. The abdomen oblong ovate,
ioined to the thorax, at a fourth of its upper part, covered with two forts of hau's, of which
the fl.orter are clofely fet, but the longer are fcattered. and projed like briftles. The upper
furface is browniih, and remarkable for having a longifla facula of a yellowilh colour, and
fl.aped like a halberd, while the edge or fide is marked by a flame or wave of the fame colour.
Both fides are cinereous near the anus, which is blackifli. The arms are browniih, and have
white hairs of different lengths. The holders are black, and perpendicular.
S P E C I E S II.—A. Muscosus.
M O S S Y - S P I D E R .
FOUND, the beginning of September, in a hedge. Plate 8, fig. 4-
THE eyes glaucous, and fl.ining like poliihed fteel. The legs thick, fl.ort, hairy, and
prickly, marked with numerous circles. The proportional length of the legs is 4. x, J, and 3.
The thorax rhomboid, covered with unequal thick hairs, grey or glaucous like mofs on old
hedges. The abdomen oblong-oval, hairy, and glaucous like the t h o r a x , with two fmokecoloured
longitudinal waves. The arms hairy, with numerous circles. The holders black,
with blackiih claws.
S P E C I E S III—A. ScENicus.
S C E N I C - S P I D E R .
T H I S foedes is very frequent towards the end of fummer, in hedges. Plate 6, fig. I. _
r i r t e : fpedmel fcarcely one male was found. The male and female are alike m
every thing except the arms, which diftinguifli the fexes.
TH. ey!s che^-coloured, glolTy. The legs ihort and ilrong, with
and black and white circles. Their relative proportions 4> i. -d 3. The thorax
: l b o i bLk, gloffy, with long and thick hair, and a white margm next the legs,
- nnescro^wi. butmoA.
T f l T o m e n ovate, black, with unequal hairs, with three broad, oblique, ludd, wM.
Unes on each fide, making angles or partitions where they meet m the middle; but towa^
he anus are two very fmall ones. The abdomen being perforated with a need e, I eaWy
i c e l d t e tubercJ: they are five in number . the two lowermofl, in proportion to the
^ ^ are vei, large. The two intermediate ones rather lefs . the fifth or uppermoft, veiy
ihort and thick. The a rms nearly white, and hairy. The holders black.