11 1^ i >11
leather, not being willing to venture it on my own ikin; fo that whether
the lymph be venomous, and in how great a degree, I am ftill ignorant."
T H E R E are feveral other remarkable particulars mentioned in LISTER,
but not of fo much importance as thofe I have extrafted.
FOR the fake of clearnefs, it was necefTary that I ihould call certain
parts of Spiders by particular names, according to their ufes and funftions,
at leaft fo far as was confonant to my own ideas of them. I fhall be
happy, if they are approved; but fhall willingly fuffer others to be fubftituted,
that may beft ferve to explain the parts.
I DO not contend for the propriety of the trivial names which I have
given to Spiders. It is, however, not material by what names they are
called, provided the figures do but fhew accurately the appearance of the
refpeftive fpecies, called by this or that particular title. _
I ALSO think it better to acknowledge an uncertainty, as to fome of
them being really diftinft fpecies, or being only different from fex or age,
than to obtrude an uncertain manner as a certainty. A few, I have abfolutely
diftinguifhed, for reafons which feemed to require it; but if
future and more accurate obfervations fhould prove that any two or
more fpecies are in reality but one and the fame, I fhall willingly give up
my former opinion.
I COULD have wifhed alfo, had time permitted, to have given figures,
which would have borne the mofl; rigid examination; fo as in the moft
perfeft manner to agree with their defcriptions: I am afraid, however.
that a critical infpe£lion will deteft, in feveral places, a ftroke or two lefs
accurately and exaftly managed, than might have been expe6led. Yet
although the figures are not quite fo elegant, as the rules of finiihed drawing,
and the delicacy of the modern times require, yet I have been careful
as to their general accuracy : had they been more elaborate, the expence
as well as to the condu£lors, as to the purchafers, muft have been far
THE method in which I have conduced this work, muft be left to the
judgment of the reader; fince what I may have regarded as full and clear
in my own opinion, I do not confider as beyond improvement; for
which reafon, I purpofe to fupply more fully, by an appendix, whatever, for
the fake of brevity, I may have here omitted.
No one can doubt but that there muft be more fpecies of Spiders than
are here given. In order, therefore, that all may, as far as can be, have
their full hiftory, I earneftly entreat all who are addifted to this fcience,
to defcribe each new genus and fpecies, as foon as difcovered, together
with all the particulars which are fhewn in this work to be neceifary; and
to delineate the Spider, and fend the drawing, together with the animal
itfelf to me. I fhall take care to attribute each to its proper difcoverer
by name, which ihall be commemorated with the animal in the refpedtive