3 !
( )
M O U N T A I N - S P I D E R .
O f this fpedes of spider, reprefented at plate 3, 4- No. i. I had the fatisfaftion of
obferving the whole procefs of generation, from firft to laft. about the middle of June. Hav
ing firft taken all the prudential caution which is ufed by the ^M « (and which i
deLbed by the illuMous DB G B . . , in his oration, publickly recited at Stockholm, on the
refignation of his office of prefident, in the year 1754. June .6th) they made their appioaches
and^nitedinfuch a manner, that the anus of the ^ ^^^
other, the male could conveniently reach with his arms the lower part of the abdomen o^^h
female. From a fmall aperture in the abdomen of the female, proceeded a flende whitim
body or tube, of almoft a line in length, which the male embracing with his fexual oigans
rot uded from the tips of his arms, compreiTed with reiterated applications, but with g.at
L i n g caution. This operation did not continue long, but was foon fucceeded by reft
I h i n an hour, more or lefs, they united again, but at each time with lefs eeming fear and
familiarly. At length when the whole procefs was finiihed, they feparated without
anv remarkable appearance of dread.
F o . the grat i f icLn of thofe who are not in poffeffion of the above c e l ebi ^ t e d oration o
D B GBBR, on the Generation of Infefts, and who are ftationed in fituations where it may not
X Z procured, I ihall here infert as much as relates to the elucidation and confirmation
GBB. had himfelf obferved Spiders engaged in this proceis, and found
the following experiment probable, yet he has thought proper to quote the olid obferv tions
f L . O N N B . Ichar e adjoined to the T « , / . Infe^oru. of LBSSBK, in which is c ^
the defcription of the nodules, which terminate the arms of the males, or, as he calls them.
T e an L . " Thefe arms" (fays LVOKNBX) « are extremely remarkable. Perhaps
L 1 eafily be believed, if I fay that they are the male organs of generation. Yet may
a ^ ; airert wh'at I have often feen. and that certain kinds of copulate by ^efe in
( 3' )
ftruments Thefe males have fmaller thoraxes, but longer legs than the females. The fight
of their amours is extremely entertaining. Both meet upon their webs, circumfped, and
with meafured fteps, they ftretch out their legs, ftiake the web gently, and touch each other
with the tips of their feet, as if afraid of each other's motion. Sometimes they precipitate
themfelves through fear, and hang pendulous for a while by their thread; then taking courage
again they afcend, and continue their preludes. After having felt and handled one another
a long time, they both approach nearer, with equal caution, and begin to be fomewhat more
familiar They now touch each other with greater freedom and boldnefs, all fear is at an
end and both being prepared, one of the nodules of the male's arms opens, as if by a fpring,
anddifplaysawhite body: the arm incurvated and applied to the abdomen of the female,
below the thorax, completes the intention of nature. Were it not known, that Spiders, on
all other occafions except this, are in a ftate of warfare with each other, we might, not without
reafon, be aftoniihed at this ftrange mode of condufting their amours. But when we confiderthis
circumftance. it appears to be nothing more than a laudable and proper caution
and refei-ve in a matter, in which their lives might be fometimes in danger, and as a warning
againft raih adventures."
THE two lower eyes in the middle of the forehead, are a little lefs than the two upper ones:
the hinder fide-eyes are alfo lefs than the anterior, and joined. The fize and fituation are
reprefented at letter G. The legs are hairy, with dark fibute, and black prickles. The thorax
ovate, blackilh, fomewhat flenderer, and carinated towards the lower part, and wider, and
flattened towards the abdomen. It is fcarce befet with any down, or at leaft extremely thin.
The abdomen fomewhat hollowed, more or lefs blackiili, and marked on the fides with brighter
fpots, more or lefs undulated, abounds with white down, efpecially towards the anus. The
arms of the male, as reprefented at fig. 3, as feen by the microfcope. A. reprefents the laft
joint of the arm, all over hairy on the outer fide; on the interior a little concave. F. ihews
the cell, or large hollow, in which the male organ is generally feated. B. and C. are the inftruments,
which, at the time of union, are bent and opened, and which impregnate the female.
At that time, C. feparates from B. and together with C. embraces the fmall whitiih
tube of the female, and enters or conceals itfelf within it. B. is black at the extremity, and
inflefted like a horn, and coheres as if by a ligament to the exterior part of A. befides the interior
junaure. B. is, with regard to the interior extremity near the bright line, clear and