( " )
There are two largííh white fpots on each fide of the above-mentioned line, of a fquarc
lhape, of which the two lowermoft are rather largeft, and are more diftant from each other;
and thefe are the marks by which this fpecies is diftinguiihed. The other fpots are not of
equal number in different individuals. The blacklih, yellow, or red colour of the abdomen,
is of fuch a whitiih appearance in fome as to appear mofly.
THE long arms are whitiih, and abound with long black hairs and prickles, and are marked
with duiky circles.
THE holders are perpendicular, whitiili, a little downy on the upper part. Lift, de Aran. fig. 8.
M A R B L E D - S P I D E R .
O N the 2 2d of Auguft a fmgle female was found, in a web faftened to the top of a tree.
See plate 6, fig. 6.
THE eyes are black, and confpicuous in the tubercles.
THE legs, marked with circles, haiiy, briftly, and prickly.
THE thorax heart-ihaped, flat, whitifli, but a little downy.
THE abdomen ovate, conneñed to the thoracic junñure, at about a third of its length;
it is covered with a fine down, like filk, of a whitiih afli-colour, and is marked on the upper
part with a fomewhat obfcure crofs of white fpecks. On the upper part on each fide run out
two largiih white fpots into two oblique httle branches, one of which unites with the anus,
the other looks as if broken off. The inferior or under part of the abdomen is black between
the anus and the fexual organ, but is of a different colour at the fides. The fexual organ is
remarkable fpr having two ovate yellow radii on its upper part.
THE arms are befet with hairs, briftles, and prickles of different lengths.
THE holders are whitiih, perpendicular, coated with white down, and are black towards
the claws.
( '3 )
TOWARDS the end of Auguft, feveral females of this fpecies, plate 2, fig. 7, were found, in
cells adjoining to webs ; fome of which were lefs fplendidly coloured and figured.
THE eyes black, and projedting from the tubercles.
THE legs whitiili, with blacklih fpots, and fcattered over with briftles and prickles.
THE thorax heart-ihaped, fomewhat duiky, and downy.
THE abdomen ovate, cohering with the thorax by a junfture, fixed at about a third of its
length. The colour is red, and the furface downy, like filk. Two longiih bright marks
ihine on each fide, the lower margins of each are blackened by excavations, with imprefi^ed
points, of wliich the two fuperior are rather fmaller than the inferior. To thefe points, on
each fide, fucceeds a longitudinal wave, or line, which is at firft black, then whitiih, then
broader and yellow, and laftly narrow and black. Between thefe lines, towards the anus,
fome brown tranfverfe lines appear. Towards the fides, below the abdomen are fome
variegated oblique lines of yellow and blackifli.
THE arms are of the fame colour with the legs, and are hairy, briftly, and prickly.
. THE holders are whitiih, perpendicular, and thinly fcattered over with fine white down.
THOUGH thefe two appear at firft fight to be very different, yet I have good reafon to think
that the one is no more than a remarkable variety of the other. If, however, this Ihould
prove a diftinit fpecies, it may have the name of Babel.
R E T I R E D - S P I D E R .
O N the 13th of June, I found a fingle female in the dark chink of a poft, fupporting a fence.
At firft it feem.ed dying, but was immediately after found to be very lively. I afterwards
found that it avoided the light, and that it made its web either in the night, or at the firft
dawn of day. It was very fond of moths, and feemed almoft to negleft flies. I therefore
took much pains to obtain moths for it. In lefs than a month, I found two others. On the
24th of July, I faw their manner of weaving, and what fort of prey they lie in wait for, in
the thick cells which are faftened to their nets. Whatever is caught in the day-time, they
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