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L I N E D - S P I D E R .
O N the firfl: of September, fome females were found within the leaves of hawthorn, guarding
their eggs, inclofed in a villous glaucous flue. Plate 5, fig. 4.
THE eyes are confpicuous and black. The legs very long, browniili, with the joints
marked by greyiih dots, and longiili hairs. The fore pair are thrice the length of the whole
Spider. The thorax is ovate, flat, browniili, bright, marked by a dark longitudinal line.
The abdomen is ovate, longifli, cohering to the thorax beneath, at about a fourth part of its
length; it is of a whitifli fulphur-colour, fcattered over with white hairs.
A LITTLE black longitudinal line, drawn to at leaft half the length of the abdomen, feems
to fucceed fome little incifures or tranfverfe rugoe, of which the bafe is black.
A DEEP black line towards the anus is vifible, though not veiy confpicuous. Six remarkable
black fpots run in an oblique direftion towards each fide. Four larger black
fpots furround the upper part of the anus ; while the under part between the anus and fexual
organ is mai'ked by a broader black line.
THE arms are downy, and of the fame colour as the thorax and legs. The holders are
browniih, perpendicular, with black claws. The eggs are feparate, round, and whitifh, about
T 00 in a bag, the fize of a middling pea.
THE young, which are the leaft of any I have feen, live fome time in the bag, after they
are hatched; but how long I cannot determine.
C E L L A R - S P I D E R .
O N the 30th of September, one female was found in a dark and moift corner of the cellar,
among a heap of things which had been thrown there. Plate 6, fig. 8. It had a great many
young ones about it, of which I took about twenty, and-as many others made their efcape.
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Though I do not know the manner in which the Spiders of this fpecies make their webs, yet
from analogy there can be no doubt of their belonging to this affortment.
THE eyes, which are not confpicuous, are black. The legs long, flender, browniih, and
thickly covered with longiih hair only. The thorax ovate, browniih, and marked with
black, in the figure of a flower-glafs. It is covered with fine and thin down. The abdomen
ovate, and yellow, has a furrow, marked on the fides with two bright ovate fpots, and as
many fmaller ones on the middle above the anus, the upper one triangular, the lower pyramidal;
it abounds with rough hair, efpecially on the marks. The arms are browniih and
haiiy. The holders browniih, and perpendicular, without any appearance of down.
C H E E K E D - S P I D E R .
O N E female was found on a ti-ee on the firft of Auguft, which, though I do not know its
manner of weaving, I fuppofe to belong properly to this aifortment. Plate 6, fig. 2.
THE lateral eyes are pretty clofely conjoined. The legs, which are only covered with
largiih hairs, are a little greyiili at the joints. The fore and hind pair are the longeit, and
the two middle pair the ihorteil. The thorax is ovate, flat, browniili, and hairy. The abdomen
almoft round, and furniihed with obtufe tubercles. It is all over bright, though it
abounds with hair, and bears fome refemblance to the cheeks of a fnake. It is marked by a
dark longitudinal line, which is more confpicuous towards the thorax, but lefs fo towards the
anus. The tip of the line is temiinated by another fhort tranfverfe one, or fpot; then by
one large branch towards each fide; afterwards by two fmaller ones, and laftly by two very
fmall ones, the tips of which decline towards the anus. On each fide of this branchy line
five little black fpecks appear, which are fmalleft next the thorax and larger towards the anus.
Befides thefe, two largiih ones of a black colour are feated on each fide the anus, fo that the
whole number of the fpots is fourteen. The arms are browniih, and very hairy. The holders
browniih, perpendicular, and armed with black claws.
I • SP E C I E S XI.
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