( a? )
H A N D S O M E - S P I D E R .
O N the 10th of September, one female was caught, which was very handfome; ihe was
found in her net, together with two heaps of eggs. Plate 3, fig. 7.
THE eyes are black; the fide ones not very confpicuous.
THE legs browniih, with black bands, and coated with hairs and prickles of diffimilar
THE thorax ovate, flat, black ilightly hollowed in the middle, and fcattered with thin
THE abdomen would be globofe, were it not a little acuminated towards the anus. The
centre of the abdomen is joined to the thorax, and has the obtufe part upwards, and the point
downwards. Towards the fore part, the fides, and below, it is black: towards the anus yellowiih.
Two white crefcents, fucceeded by two white lines on the hind part, feparate or
diilinguiih the anterior or black part of the abdomen from the poflrerior or yellow part.
There is an oblong black fpot on the wedge, near the two white fpecks, which is formed by
two turned crefcents. In the curvatures of the crefcents, are red ovate fpecks, and above
thefe are two remarkable and large white fpots upon the black fpace. The abdomen is alfo
furniihed with five tubercles, and is all over bright and downy.
THE arms are downy and blackiih.
THE holders black, a little downy, and perpendicular.
THE eggs are contained in follicles without any flue, and from thence proceed about forty
young ones, or more, which are very beautifully marked; and in thefe, even when very young,
may be feen, by the affiftance of the microfcope, all the marks of the mother, (k) fliews
tlie natural fize.
S P E C I E S VI.—A. OvATus.
O V A L - S P I D E R .
O N the 8th of September, ten or twelve females of this fpecies were found on the haw.
thorn. Plate 4, fig. 2, guarding their eggs, which were enclofed in a glaucous flue, under
the leaves.
THE eyes are very fmall and black: the lateral ones almofl: concreted or united.
THE legs very long, flender, whitifli, and hairy, the joints of which are decorated with
greyiih dots.
THE thorax ovate, flat, brownifli, bright, marked by a longitudinal glaucous line.
THE abdomen oblong, ovate, hirfute, yellowiih, marked longitudinally in the middle, by
an acuminated, ovate, red fpot.
THE arms hirfute, browniih.
THE holders whitifli, perpendicular.
THE eggs feparate, round, whitifli; about an hundred of them are equal to the fize
of a pea.
R I B B A N D - S P I D E R .
O N the 27th of Augufl:, I caught a fingle female, wrapped up, together with her bag, in a
glaucous flue; but refufing food, flie died on the 6th of September.. Plate 2, fig. 4. From
a hole opened in the flue with a pin, a great number of young ones crept out, which had not
yet aflumed the colour of the mother.
THIS refembled the lafl: fpecies, except in the marks of the abdomen, which reprefented,
as it were, a red flower, of an ovate, acute fliape, which in the middle is rather of a greyifli
yellow. See LIST, de Aran. fig. 12. FRISH. Germ. torn. 10. p. 6. t. 4.