W M . I T ¡¡ ¡ ¡ I ■ T H I U S H .
Tuidiis Wtitei; (Eytoiv.)
W H I T E ’S T II ft I'
Twrdu» Whrteit, |S |Ì
.’ancl a third wfaidk/tta* Mnlsmeal
deemed it .nécesaftrÿ 8» iiKichwfe* of k i
While at Hamburgh *w wresxi «10
H : of the
who had it, in a fresh stnrfse -, thta>pe<:tmeB now /otnsii a petrt
Bairdwicke Court, Gbocesu.T. vrho doubdesa values it <u* une
M i l
Although we have placed ibis bird in the genus which cotnprebe,ÉiìSS!
the Turdus mimcus, Linn.), still we doubt not that this bird. 1
another-frora New South Wales, will lie found to constitute a
Mertdidat. From the greater length of their wings, we arc led t
derable powers.of flight, and that, in all probability they are stri
pared with the true Thrashes a considerable difference may be observed
and also in the tarsi and toes.
In its genera! -size the Turdus W'hkei exceeds by almost a fifth the !
smaller: the length of the wing in Mr. Bakers specimen of Turdu* W)
while that of the TurdaJi (lartut and of the species from New Sonth Wal
¡¡eve that these birds possess
migratory in their habitsj
1 the form and length
orsfivld and
among the
very consi«
When com*
Ividf. H i e great diffe! rene___
fine bird, which has with much m
; work on the Naturai Ui*twy of Set
to the study of this briuwh <¡*f knot
all probability dispersed over h gnu
Crown of the bead, back of tli<
feather tipped with a crescent*!«!*
with huffy brown; spurious wing .
dark brown on tbeir inner webs, ar
brHtw it, the latter tipped with whiti
nade* fcail-coverts white ; the rema
near the tip and terminating in a cr
0 »tr figure is of the natural size.
ltd the smaller bill