
Caprimulgiis Enropaus-, fZirw,:)
G e n u s G.A P R I M I ) L G 't l S , L in n .
OiBlic G h a b . 1 ft// v e ry short, weak, c a rv e d a t the tip, fyrojud n.ud dep ressed a t th e Irasc ; the
. a p p e r'm a n d ib le i deflected a t the point.; g ap e v e ry larg e ,,a n d ex te n d in g to o r b ey o n d th e ,
p osterior an g le o f th e e y e s; b asal ed g e o f th e sipper mant'l.ib.k- b o rd ere d with stro n g
■ ab le bristle», d ire c ted forwards. Nostrils baistd, tabular;., : or: w ith a la rg e p r o n H a e n ij ^ > :q
- c lothed w ith v e ry small feathers. Wing» lowg* th e % Ait <{uill sh o rte r th a n tb ^ a é co n d *
w h ic h is th e lo n g est o f all. Tail ro u n d ed o r forked, o f te n feìtfliers. Tarai-''short. Toes
th re e before and one beh in d , th e a n tè rió r ones u n ited as far as th e first jo in t b y a meni-
1 h ran e ; th e claw o f th e m id d le to e b ro ad , an d se rra ted on th e in n e r edge.
■ E U » O P E A É G O : | T S V 0 K E R Ì
Capriitmlgtts, eùrojxeua, ¡Linn.
| ! | | L ’E n g o u leven t ovd ¡»as re,
The fkprimtigm ceropam was until within the last few years the only species o f this curious and iutercstlag
race of birds known to inhabit Europe ; a second has, however, been discovered by M. Natte re r ih the South
o f Spain, and described by him under the name o f Caprhmclgus rvJicvUk, from the conspicuous red baud which
crosses the back of the neck, certainly a tar more appropriate tierm than the one {eampaux) given to the
present bird, which is now applicable to both species, o r to any others that may hereafter be discovered.
The- European Goatsucker is a migratory bird, inhabiting all the temperate portions o f lie rope during,
summer, aud retiring southward beyond the Mediterranean on the approach of winter. if arrives in die'
British Islands from the middle to the end o f May, and departs again about the latter end Of September or
beginning of October. While here it is distributed over the .whole of the kingdom, residing in woods, phw-
"tations, thick beds of fern, (whence its provincial name o f Fern Owl,) and districts clothed with tall grasses.
Being strictly nocturnal in its habits, it avoids as much as possible the bright light of day, but on the a p proach
of twilight it may be seen hawking for AfeMojtMa, PhaUen<xy and other nocturne.! insects.
The flight of the Goatsucker is rapid in the extreme while in pursuit o f its prey, and is accompanied by a
Dumber of evolutions, similar to those o f the Swallow,, but which are,- if possible» j^ffermed with still greater
ease and facility.
, I t makes no nest, hut lays two eggs on the hajfe ground, amongst fern, Ircath, nr long «©primes »a
wkkIs dr furze, but always nesar woods, in which it may coaceul itself by day. i he egg? iwx* wÌ5«wr marbled
with light brown and ginej.
The Goatsucker reposes mostly on the ground ; and when it perches up tlw. limb of a fcrc«, it is commonly
along the branch, and not acre«» it Uke other birds.
« 'The male,” says Montagu, “ makes a very singular noise daring the period of incubation., not ur ’;1- t h e
tvo\y id of a large spinning-wheel, and which it is observed to utter perched, with the head downwards; besides
which it emits a sharp squeak, repeated as it flies."
The whole of the upper surface and tin; throjtt are of an ashy grey, numeroiwly «potted mid .streaked with
dark brown, and tinged with pal? o r y.-fcvfeh: brown j .the head aud back streaked longitudinally with black ;
beneath the base o f the under mandible runs a stripe of white, which extends along each sjde ,<# the head 5
Stt the .centre of (be throat a patch of white ; under surtaee yellowish-brown, t^iiarersfcly b amdvrith black-j
of the mdlfo blotched .with red brown, the three exterior bayinf a large white pat:-!« m
the irnwr webs luM#' eheir tips; tail irregularly marked with black,,'grèjfc anil brown, iWito. octer
ripwsnl with 'white 5 bill and irideq dark brdwoi mmi hwwn,i . ■, i--'
. lirtWB the only ftt bring destitute o f Uke white sjKrta or ! Ì : ! - ksixi I he rs, and of the
white tips of die torniti tswMhatbeirs.
We have %h>ilìiì|.i||pl'‘ii|f'ìh'‘ natural six«. P l P f iil