Cumica atricapillaj {flryfe.j.
Curmca ¡¡'.Uieapiik^ Dechgt.
' jLc noir.
O p the ' winjgiHft'.Ps that' add a charm to oar spriM
i l i l l •'*’<#&?% *be ¿ower and variety e#*
imitadr^j'tthHih1 B | | | i i |f§ j||i 'Hw*ber dwofrdwii orodicrwise,“--h& habits*
so iB ii l ill |1 | p p he jHPad«»:*»» that we arc often dew»/«! %
f|ll|||fi|||il; naeiodiouS, asu3 poured out with greai dneirgj
3sLua<tdi(ieii^': '«MUft aliid ^eheiwl^y spread throughout the northern t
frMjjaents $tsd ‘-aenbiberic«,, lint is ner^rtheless a bird of. shi
cealed from oln-r1 1 iio iiiw&iesf; pant ivf tl*£&-;L. ;■
and departs again in September.
ft is worthy of notice that the males and female» of this species * a ; i> ;
believe this habit ifr almost at«ve«al h^ong the Wiirblers, the tnaJes pra:«
about s, week. sorn/ immesfiateiy!.,i»cki,sdtecting athvourab
cation, whifeh ptecar «i|r |^Wf -i:-; st*fScierit!y dense fop the nt
they cs<i«infinti#r‘j. ^ n$b a -liafe