J}raamfivm,Jfctfurt/ & OTiSfont/btf'f&E.GciUd/
Salicaria? sericea. •
Sylvia sericea; f JVcdb:)
ft I LK'Y W A B B L E a .
? -sericea.
'Sylvia sericea, .Nat/.
Beffila 80-v ’
V:" t t * # # «teMkJ 17fl rf %ril, 'J 81?', ■ near Santa Anna, upon -the river Brènta, two mites train
Cbioggra, where n inhabit» the low bashes bordering the ditches between the vineyards near the Brenta ; and
ha® a loud assd Merahty fine soog.”
This Lu(’ ■ ■c-ry closelyallied to the Cefcti Waller, anid with that specie« will, we conceive, constitute a
^inor division among the “ Rkn-airui' of M. Temminck ; but as we have ate«¿dv figured the Cetfi Warbler
under the generic appellation of Saiiearia, we refrain from entering into any further detail® an the subject.
The most striking differences which these birds exhibit when compared with the true Saiiearia, consist in
the total absence of the still* hairs at the base of the bill i im the more rounded form of the head ; in the
thicker afcd ¿to» sSfkj plawtage, and ia the more rounded wing, the primaries of which are soft and yielding.
The general $*ntour of the ♦. '«»Iti Wwtbler, together with its stender bill, immediately reminds us of the #ue
W rw tnm i k é any re#oii to believe these group® are joitaed by affinity, although,
: . Aid this «#*;* wings, ami iad greyish brown j stripe over the eye, throat, breast, snd p f «fee.
abdomen ¡■o 'v. ; sides of tìw ftee, Sank®, and under fcaii-coverts brownish ash ; »pper twandilite dark
brown ; .mute? ttaaftjli
We "have %*m>d an adn}t male