. M E A D OW P I P I T .
Anthus pratensis; fjSecksfc)
»AtwinAw^aMslili O.MUbnmuM.
from th
the prevailing tint a pale brown,’ thickly covered w ith .W.n s« * h psjiEpfci r.--.- r.,,j ;
tails, it runs With celerity, fusel feed* upon flies, wart»*, ami other insects.” 'flic nest of this bit
forms a receptacle for the egg o f the Cuckoo.
The whole o f the upper sitrikce is dark olive green, the centre o f each feather being brownis!
der surface yellowish white, spotted on the sides o f the neck and breast with blackish brows ;
with oblong streaks o f a dark colour; tail blackish brown, the outer feather on each side having
web white,, and being largely tipped with the same colour, the second feather having a/small whi
the tip i bill and feet brown.
'IV Plate represents a male and female of the natural sine.