Locustelle luscinoides.
Sylvia luscinoides, Savi.
Le Bec-fin des saules.
T h is elegant little bird, the Sylda hadnoides of Professor Savi, constitutes the third example, as far as is
hitherto known, of the restricted genus Lomslella, of which our Grasshopper Warbler is the British representative
: it is confined to the southern regions of Europe, where it appears to he very limited in the range of
its habitat. According to Professor Savi it arrives in Tnscany about the middle of April, taking refuge among
the willows, reeds, and other luxuriant plants of marshy districts, which afford it a secure retreat. It readily
admits of approach, may be seen among the lower branches near the ground, and also runs nimbly on the
earth among the reeds.
Its food consists of insects and their larvae.
The Locustella luscinoides is one of the birds lately added to the Fauna of Europe, and we have yet to learn
all that respects its nidification and winter retreat, which we may reasonably conclude is Africa.
Head, all the upper surface, and tail reddish brown, the latter almost imperceptibly barred with lines of a
darker tint; throat whitish; stripe over the eye, sides of the neck, and all the under surface pale buff; bill
dark brown ; feet pale brown.
Our figure is taken from a specimen kindly lent to us for the purpose, by the Directors of the Imperial
Cabinet at Vienna, and represents the bird of the natural size.