Salicaria Olivetonnn¡ fSbrocM:)
lïnMjmmMumAmSlMlyJJbÆ.Goua,. Ai**dtyCÆUl»uouU
O L Í V K » T f i I li R S ili li! 1 A R S A i,
i M i c w i » f l l f r c i d i i ' i i S ; ,
Firn the knowledge of life new enti otesiiit tÿâitï« <i': » litó -r ■ ro.i.i -. - . to H. g . 5. rùtò.-id, E«|l, I»
bai by no one more iba» cundv«*. « lo t,.m- fti.-j t|,„ tijisc «¡U.rmi.H : l á f e tW m u » '* # I fÄ » will
V * l',‘ ibimd «o inhabit the, oialith ¡«ti 0 ji,
,-P vi.. ■: ,■:■•! .nailj p|,,Fi .1 ;V» ¡v.,|
iWitlinrc i¡„ -Lr-J.. ■ ' liiiSirg tee» ibi» bar: ¡i> m ) tßtomHA »Ululi, t u i a iilijí'n or l» lin ; Oblili W . .
u$.ro b e b e n :thäs ehe'.tMmibrrn parts o f Europe cnÈni linste Ha (mo and »etili .V Mitili». I5r. S t,iokland tiavis-
obliged os witb some short note» oil «bis species, m Iure cOuintens! rtbwe . thir... . ihr i lient here in bis
own words.
-••*K Tfcb ,:bird'_ bd.on^fe.$k»t- djiirsionof fe-: Safoariie in »vbkdi IJ.io f.;i‘. is but slightly rounded, and the
«floors sombre and uniform ¡..including the Sg/cm mmdimcm, l.ath. ; S. p a ln tm , Bechst. ; S. TurdoUr-.
Meyer, and other foreign species!
I first noticed-.this bird, in May, 1836, at Zante, where it is fiy no means rare 5 but from its shy and
uly wile to plorar» f e o ispminenB, both of which woVe males. One of these Í gave to
i f f l» «#S*Bîfe»v ln- the and ' i*. less. •'
&an tum», o f fe eiw^jc«*» ' f e i|$ || is a. wnwfei, «Ma<td>3fog that of
ity of 55/wtte fco lÄ lUfe«*, la Is pfefelfe lüSstffc ipfe làìlt t |S | sferw Qfety hii4 SB
äd Itfe fetìee«f<»(mKÌàÌiiìdi%ì^
.whole .-apper jdw«««*; $!**$«$» -feíiwwoj, •vitíi.A tinge «f o íw ito Éffll B s | | i if f
primarias uüiïl Ä |l^ p i p «fefe febiow», | ¡ | Mtter | | | § | |p |i | ¡ | | S É i |
r^itless hahfe IvivBifi
S . GtanéiMcea,
f : «From
brdierto tx> f e ,!e ti-siii
I !<t* The tt&k) S i il
and the eye fighter
rounded, and of aitarli hifefe¡‘ frith Oü'taí É '® » ■‘H* <¡*eh «whs margined ||p|;|Í|||í-í two next
sliglfMf tipped with white $ |§ f | f Mtrffev »Jna-ke# ion fet iiifetfe, ii'festAMid under" ■
■feí^overta tíngwlfeítii yeihnv, ' feid e v h fe i ||§ lj|j «range ;: »ííit: 'tostareis :
the tip; indes hazel.
TptíÜ length 6 inches ? wmir, j tail, | | | fv.rn.-i. | | » feioi gape f| j|
•;:;A:Ottr;^ireri»'<rf' fife natand-aree»