Cinclus mdanogaster ; / 7&nwt/:)
J'rtttUti hy CI/tUbrMicUi
- B L A C K - B E L L I 4 3 1 } W A T l f l t O ’ K . E L
. Cineios .¿^<-¿«3.
A specimen of M. Brebm'a Ctncba melanvgmter having. he* i transmitted to n-> . .VI. Teml&hick. wc bivvo
ventured to give a figure of it, although we agree with the latter gcmleaun in questioning its Mwsci&e vaine •
it therefore remains for a future knowledge o f its habits and manners to decide whether *6 m at he considerai
as: distinct, or only a-variety dependent . upon difference of climate and locality. In its general size and
relative admeasurements it is rather less than the common species (Cinclm ayuatiau), and is of a deeper,
colour both on the upper and under surfaces. According to M. Brehrn it inhabits the north-eastern parts of
the Continent, visiting in very severe winters the coasts Of the Baltic, and is neither shy in it? habits nor
distrustful of the presence of man.
Its food consists of insects and .their krvfc.
: The head, hade of the neck,, and .18 fhe uoder surface deep chocolate black ; the feathers of thè book dark
grey in the centre» with broad fcM< *•<%«%*• • «*»< Iduck : tbrott and chest white ; Péci | Ì | brown ;
hill blackish
We have figured an adult of tin1 oa&fflt s i« ..