■Jnabd/. tyir&UnQX&k
Hirundo rustica.; /£wwb:J
G rw . C h a r . Bill sh o rt, n to c h *hi{»res&e.d,
p a rtly covered by a membi^wo. Tarsi
'"the'‘«Hiteir ..united tt> too middle ou«
C H I M N E Y S W A L , L O W
Tub mign
will scare-
generally t
their iumi
with. T i
' with f<x
i tfte laws «vbmmi ragum*
t to the«» hew. f-tt ;:ii!
its a rm a l iaa'f be eaten
the .wune latitude ftwrn
ugntented, nod the whr
, and ond i
, ami carefully atc<
Hie task of HicohaticKi hcMii
tlte taws o f nature: aujtspn.-e. I
j th e Wect/fiiiaii so^caiseutipp
aw inclined to-believe, ahv.i
steps, auu pass -
air existence is c
eeede their proi
open and a stitfti'
p 0f this aerial tribe «
h greatest advantage hi
& wfaite passing ov<
fouwto with us
§ subsistence.
only < 11$
are seen t
which the;
toe-wing, «¡won't fail to call forth our adnitnatia®
I t is now ,gftiKsraHy admitted that the. Barra S'
cOBsetjoenfly ti«.* teuigxi o f , our bird is limited to
is pniversaHy dSsgHcrsed oyer the whole o f E«r<>{:
pica! regies?.; «*d as all migratory anianals *t«vefroai
winter residence.
Islands the sites chosen tor its nests a
.* Continent, where these sit oat ions an
’"es of houses, taros, and other outbi
•fcled with reddish brown and pale. film
i chestnut: the remainder 01
; celerity f
ght by the Cupseli,
isv. vi.-i • ¿heir'. prey, ’
¡eh they toed their i rang white ini
of Anapriea t)« i;juit<'
i World. ' to to« m
ic<: fima» toe British sficetes
wkfloths if«i -ffcrn k
In the B
many partx
«>hl ruins* I
not freranei
Forehend ;
the upper sn
nfond the other
: Ufock with biite reficctioss ; tail very c
; a large white spot on the inner webs i
white tinged with reddish brown, which
Od I st black,
female I rather less o f the rich chestnut on die fonebes
^t.feathter«' BHtoh shorter, dbw in dm mate.
-l.'he jitifhg is eratirety destitute o*f to« chestnut on the forchis«
•tili'ii Ifiwad »cross fcta breast is btrt fawitiy indicated $ aft -toe.iipper.
wi-u.o .»m much more dull; the wings are also shorter, and it-i» d
«wi hocpiired till the first nwHiIt.
Our Flat!.1 represents an adult and a jouiig bird of the nntmid «