Candelabra Rhododendron.
T a b . X X IX .
Frutex ramosissimus, foliis terminalibus subcoriaccis glaberrimis oblongo-ovatis obtusissimis apiculafcis basi cordatis subtus glaucescentibus
margine subrecurvo, corymbis plurifloris, pedunculis pctiolo sequantibus, floribus radiatim patentibus ecmuisve, calyce brevi disciformi
obscure insequaliter lobato cibato, corolla pallide rosea, tubo elongato campanulato, limbo 5-lobo, staminibus 10, ovario conico-cylin-
draceo glanduloso-ciliato.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya ; elev. 1 0 -1 1 ,0 0 0 feet. FI. June.
The plant from which the accompanying plate and description are taken, was found in thick Pine-woods near Lachen
village, before I was well acquainted with the R. Thomoni (Tab. XII.), of which I fear it is only a pale-flowered variety,
found growing at a lower elevation than that species usually inhabits, flowering earlier and in a shady protected situation.
The much shorter calyx (of the same peculiar character, however), its glandular margin and ovarium, are the only further
distinctions I have been able to detect between them, and they are quite unimportant.
T ab. XXIX. Bhododendron candelabrum. Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Peduncle, calyx, and pistil. 8. Transverse section of ovary:—all magnified.