Willow-leaved Rhododendron.
T a b . X X I I I . A.
Eruticulus erectus, ramis crcctis apice fasciculatim ramulosis, ramulis foliis atrinque pedúnculo calyce corollaque cxtus creberrime squamuloso-
lepidotis, foliis breve petiolatis patulis pendulisve elliptico- v. lineari-lanceolatìs utrinque acuminatis subtus pallidioribus, pedicellis
solitariis v. 2-3 elongatis gracilibus erectis, calycis lobis patulis obtusis subfoliaceis, corolla lutea v. viridi-sulphurea, tubo inflato
brevi, limbi lobis patulis v. recurvis orbicularibus 3 superioribus viridi-maculatis, staminibus 8-10 exsertis, stylo crasso curvo, ovario
brevi albo-lepidoto 5-loculari.
Hab. Sikkim-Himalaya ; grassy and rocky hills above Ghoongtam, elev. 7,000 feet ; common. FI. May, June.
A slender twiggy shrub, two to four feet high, branching from a stout tortuous stock; the branches as thick as a
crow-quill, rather scattered, bearing fascicled ramuli at the top. Leaves often drooping, rather flaccid, of a pale glaucous
green, lighter underneath and sometimes ferruginous where the lepidote scales abound, an inch to an inch and a half long,
scarcely half an inch broad, acute or mucronate. Pedicels always elongated, an inch and a half to two inches long slender.
Corolla yellow, an inch across the lobes, lepidote, especially on the outside of the tube; the upper lobes are spotted with
green, the spots occupying the spaces between the very broad anastomosing translucent veins. Anthers large, rich red-
brown; filaments short, stout, villous below. Ovariim covered with white lepidote squamuke. Stigma very stout,
curved, gradually thickened towards the truncated stigmatiferous apex. Capsules not seen.
The odour of this plant is strongly resinous. As a species it is very closely allied to the R. lepidotvm; but the leaves
are much longer, and the pedicels always elongated; characters by no means satisfactory. R. elaagnoides may prove
another state of the same species.
T ab. XXm. A. Rhododendron salignum. Kg. 1. Plant :—natural size. 2. Stamen. 3. Peduncle, calyx, and pistil. 4. Portion of under
surface of leaf :—all magnified.
Oleaster-leaved Rhododendron.
T a b . X X I I I . B.
Pruticnlus liumilis, nunc depressus, ramosissimus, more Erica gregarius, ramulis scabridis ultimis apice foliiferis, foliis pedicellis calyce corolla
extus ovarioque dense lepidotis, squamulis ferrugineis argenteisque, foliis verticillatim confertis breviter petiolatis late obovatis
obcordatisve retusis obtusisve mucronatis, pedicellis terminalibus solitariis rarius binis elongatis erectis, calycis lobis foliaceis patulis
recurvisve rufescentibus, corolla flava pro planta ampla, tubo brevi basi globoso, limbi lobis patulis concavis 3 supremis obscure