M O i i m i i m M l T M F IO IE I IM , Modak.fill.
Three-flowered Rhododendron.
T a b . XIX.
Frutex erectus, ramulis glaucescentibus novellis petiolis pedunculis foliisque subtus creberrime lepidotis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis utrinque acutis
v. basi subcordatis superne nitidis subtus glaucis vel subferrugineis, pedunculis sub-8 tenninalibus gracilibus, calyce brevi 5-lobato
lepidoto cibato, corolke flavidse tubo brevi obconico dorso minute lepidoto lobis oblongis patentibus integris, stamimbus 8-10, fila-
mentis elongatis infeme vibosis, ovario 5-loeulari oblongo lepidoto, stylo elongato, stigmate truncato, capsula oblonga, valvis lignosis.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya; inner ranges, on brushy slopes; elev. 7 - 9 ,0 0 0 feet; scarce. FI. May, June; Jr. November.
A shrub four to six feet high, with erect and rather twiggy branches for the genus, the ultimate ones about as thick as
a duck’s quill: the new shoots lepidote. Leaves frequently pendulous, on rather short slender petioles (one-third of an inch
long), ovato-lanceolate, more or less approaching to oblong or elliptical, two or rarely three inches long, acute at both ends,
or cordate at the base and sometimes blunt, with a mucro at the apex, the margin a little recurved, substance rather thin,
upper surface smooth and shining, under quite glabrous and glaucous, but so beset with ferruginous squamules as to partake
of that colour; Peduncles generally three together, terminal one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, slender, erect. Calyx
very short, lepidote, cut into five small rounded teeth or lobes. Corolla greenish-yellow, in shape much resembling that
of the common garden Azaleas, having a somewhat obconical tube very open at the* mouth, and a limb of five spreading
oblong entire segments, which are slightly veiny, nearly two inches across the lobes. Stamens eight, much exserted:
filaments slender, hairy near the base. Ovary oblong-cylindrical, very lepidote, obtuse. Style much longer than the
stamens, curved upwards, and terminating in a truncated stigma, a little thickened in the disc. Capsule half an inch long,
straight, cylindrical, often a little swollen at the base, obtuse at the point.
The present Rhododendron will form a groupe or section along with R. virgatmn, Hook, fil., R . setosum, Don, and
R . nivale, Hook. fil.; all of which have peculiarly narrow segments to the corolla. But the present species is well distinguished
by its comparatively large yellow flowers, and the larger, usually pointed, leaves.
T ab. XIX. Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Transverse section of ovary. 4. Small lepidote portion of the underside of the
leaf:—magnified. 5. Squamules from the leaf:—more magnified.