Tal. XIV
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Dwarf Rhododendron.
T a b . XIV.
Fruticulus humilis laxe ramosus, ramulis foliis subter petiolis peduncalis calyoibus ovariisque lepidotis, foliis parvis brevi-petiolatis lato-
ellipticis coriaceis apiculatis superne glaberrimis subter precipue glancis, pedunculis solitariis 8-8-nis elongatis erectis strictis, flore
inclinato, calycis lobis ovatis obtusis, corollæ roseoe campanulate extus pubesccntis tubo elongato, limbi lobis brevibus rotundatis
integris, staminibus 10 incluais, filamentis rectis basi bispidis, stylo rectiusculo, stigmate capitato, capsula in pedunculum magis
dongatum erecta ovata 5-loculari calycem persistentem multoties superante.
Hab. Sikkim-Himalaya; on alpine slopes among ericaceous vegetation, rare; about the Zemu and T’blonok rivers. FI. June.
The smallest of all the Sikkim Rhododendrons: its slender woody stem roots among moss, Andromeda fastigiata, &c.,
ascends obliquely, and bears a few somewhat spreading dichotomous branches, three to four inches in length, rising above
the surrounding vegetation. Leaves chiefly from the upper ends of the branches, half to three-quarters of an inch long,
broadly elliptical, rigid, mucronate, smooth and naked and bright bluish-green above, below lepidote, as is the short
petiole, and glaucous. Bracts of the flower-buds coriaceous, smooth and downy, and, as is usual in the lepidote species,
quite destitute of glands or squamulse. Peduncles moderately slender, erect, one to three from the apex of the branches, and
rising an inch and a half above the base of the superior leaves, firm and woody, much elongated, and strict to the very apex
in fruit. Flower inclined or almost drooping. Ccdyx-lobes rather short, but somewhat leafy in texture, reddish-brown,
scaly, particularly towards the base. Corolla half to three-quarters of an inch long, rose-colour, campanulate, very delicate,
externally all over down, and obscurely glandular: the tube rather broad, the limb of five, nearly equal, moderately
spreading roundish lobes, which are quite entire. Stamens ten, included: filaments nearly straight, hispid at the base.
Ovary ovate, densely lepidote, five-celled. Style rather short, thickened upwards. Stigma capitate, obscurely five-lobed.
Capsule perfectly erect on the elongated strict peduncle, three-quarters of an inch long, large for the size of the plant,
ovate, red-brown, five-valved.
Although the smallest among the Sikkim-Himalayan Rhododendrons, it is an extremely elegant species, and
apparently of very rare occurrence: for I have never gathered it but twice, and each time in the wild district above indicated,
where its elegant flowers are produced soon after the snow has melted: and then its pretty pink bells are seen peeping
above the surrounding short heath-like vegetation, reminding the botanist of those of Linnaa borealis.
It yields a faint and agreeable odour, like that of R.glaucim, to which this has many points of resemblance.
T ab. XlV. Rhododendron pumilum. Fig. 1. Upper side of a leaf. &. Under side. 3. Flower. 4. Stamen. 5, Calyx and pistil.
6. Transverse section of ovary:—magnified.