II. Calyx cupular, hemispherical or scuteUiform, obsoletely lobed. Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed. Stamens 10-16.
Ovary 6—16 -celled.—Large flowering shrubs. Leaves very glabrous.
5. R. AucJdandii, Hook. fil. T a b . XI.
H ab. . Sikkim-Himalaya. Elev. 7 -9 ,0 0 0 feet, rare.
6. R. Griflithii, Wight, Icon. 1 .1208.
H ab. Bhootan, Griffith.
7. R. Thomsoni, Hook. fil. T ab. XII.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Elev. 11-13,000 feet, abundant.
8. R. Candelabrum, Hook. fil. Tab. XXIX.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Elev. 11—18,000 feet.
in . Calyx subfoliaceous, 5-partite, lobes submembranaceous. Corolla influndibuliform or campanulate, tube
elongated. Stamens 10-18. Ovary 5-6-ceHed.—Shrubs; frequently Epiphytes. Mowers white. Leaves
generally lepidote beneath.
9. R. Dalhousiee, Hook. fil. T ab. I. II.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya; outer and inner ranges. Elev. 6 ,000-9,000 feet. M. May, June; fr . October.
Note. Gemmae terminal, strobiliform, one and a half to two inches long; scales broad-orbicular, concave, very
coriaceous, almost woody, pale-tawny, glabrous, ciliated towards the apex. Leaves glanduloso-punctate and
rough with squamules. Petioles sometimes setose. Capsules large, woody, linear-oblong, rufous, slightly
curved, muticous, 5-angled, punctato-glandulose, the valves linear, recurved at the apex, obscurely keeled at the
back, the axis terminated by the persistent style. Seeds pale yellow.
10. R. Edgeworthii, Hook. fil. Tab. XXI.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Elev. 7-9,000 feet.
11. R. barbatum, Wall., Hook. fil. Tab. IH.
H ab. Gossaing-Than, Nepal, Wallich. Sikkim-Himalaya. On spurs of mountains, and in valleys. Elev. 9,000—
11,000 feet.
Note. Branches, peduncles, and calyces glabrous or setose. Leaves beneath quite glabrous or sub-villous. Capsules
generally glandulose, rarely quite glabrous, glands stipitate. Very variable in the degree of hairiness, but otherwise
a well-marked species.
12. R. lancifolium, Hook. fil. T ab. IV.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Elev. 8—10,000 feet.
Note. Probably only a glabrous small-flowered and small-leaved variety of JR. barbatum.
13. R. ciliatum, Hook. fil. (n. sp.) Tab. XXTV.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Lachen and Lachoong valleys. Elev. 9-10,000 feet.
14. R. glaucum, Hook. fil. Tab. XVII.
H ab. Sikkim-Himalaya. Chola, Lachen, and Lachoong passes. Elev. 10-12,000 feet.
15. R. vaccinioides, Hook. fil. (n. sp.); fruticulus laxe vage ramosus, caulibus ramisque gracilibus tuberculatis ultimis petiolis
pedunculis foliisque subtus sparse squamulosis, foliis coriaceis obovatis obtusis emarginatisve supeme glaberrimis
subter pallidioribus, pedicellis subterminalibus solitariis gracilibus, lobis calycinis ovatis obtusis,' capsula parva
gracili curvata 5-loculari, valvis submembranaceis.
H a b . Sikkim-Himalaya; epiphytal, or growing on moist rocks, in very damp places, on the inner and outer ranges.
Alt. 6-8,000 feet. M. ?
A small, very slender, straggling species, sometimes pendulous from trunks of trees, and then two feet long, of
of a bright green colour, and so like a common Sikkim species of Faccinium {V. obovatum, Wight, Icon, t. 1193)
as not to be distinguishable at first sight.
Stems no thicker than a dove’s quill, scabrid with tubercles, indicating the former position of scales, which still clothe
the ramuli, petioles, and, more sparingly, the under surface of the foliage. Leaves coriaceous, three-fourths to
one inch long, obovate or even spathulate, the lamina produced downwards to the very base of the petiole;
upper surface a bright green, lower paler. Peduncles of the fruit as long as the leaves, slender. Calyx small,
but manifestly foliaceous. Capsules curving, narrow, pale-coloured, and membranous, an inch long, scarce one-
eighth of an inch in diameter, valves linear, torulose, a little scaly on the back. Seeds pale-coloured.
I have never found the flowers of this singular and very distinct little species.
16. R. pumilum, Hook. fil. T a b . XIV.
H a b . Sikkim-Himalaya. Zemu and T’hlonok rivers, rare. Elev. 12-14,000 feet.
IV. Calyx small or obsolete, rarely 5-toothed, lobes equal. Corolla campanulate, or with the limb contracted
below its'base, and subinfundibuliform. Stamens 10. Ovary 5-10-celled.—Shrubs, generally glabrous
or clothed beneath, sometimes lepidote.
17. R. arboreum, Sm. Exot. Flora, t. 6. (supra p. 6), not Wight, I c . t. 1201.
H a b . Himalaya Mountains : from Bhootan to the western extremity. Elev. 5-8,000 feet.
18. R. Campbelliee, Hook. fil. T a b . VI. R. Nilagiricum, Hook. Pot. Mag. t. 4881 {not Zenker).—var. /3. flore albo.
R. arboreum, album, Wall. Ic. Bar. Ind. Or. vol. ii. p. 23. t. 128 ?
H a b . Sikkim-Himalaya; on both the outer and inner ranges, at elevations of from 7-10,—and even 11,000 feet.—
f3. Mountain of Sheopore in Nepal. Dr. Wallich.
Note. It has been already stated that the chief difference between this and B. arboreum consisted in the rusty
dull (unpolished) tomentum of the underside of the leaf of B. Campbelliee, as compared with the silvery compact
filmy clothing of the litter. Dr. T. Thomson assures me that in Western Himalaya, where B: arboreum is
so common, it is never otherwise than silvery and white beneath. Since I have seen the figure of B. Nilagiricum
in the Botanical Magazine, Tab. 4381, 1 am quite disposed to consider the present species identical with that,
exactly agreeing with that in the shape of the leaves, as well as in other characters, and since that is
acknowledged to have differently-formed leaves from the true B. Nilagiricum of Zenker, and also said to be from
Nepal, not from the Neelgherries, we can hardly doubt but that it may safely be brought as a synonym to our
B. Campbelliee-. perhaps, also, Dr. Wallich’s B. nobile (Wall. Cat. n. 1521, excluding 2) is not different, but
this is nowhere accurately described, and possibly B. cinnamomeum (which by many is considered a variety of
B. arboreum) of the same author, from Nepal. I have not seen B. Campbelliee below 7,000 feet, whereas
B. arboreum, verum, ranges from 5,000 to 8,000 feet.
19. R. Nilagiricum, Zenker, Plant. Nilag. cumlc. {not Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4381). R. arboreum, Wight, Ic. 1.1201 {nolSm.)
R. nobile, Wall. Cat. n. 1521. 2 (pot .
H a b . Neelgherry hills, abundant. Wight, Zenker, and others.