S S H H & m & m iO T M , T a r -A f ii
Cinnabar-leaved Rhododendron.
Ta b . VIII.
Frutex, ramis gracilibus tortùosis, foliis ovato-lanceolatìa aoutis marginibus subrevolutis basi in petiolum tuberculosum attenuatis glabris, supra
copiose reticulàtim venosis subtus pallidis rufisve squamuloso-punctatis, floribus parvis capitatis cinnabarinis, lobis calycinis linearibus
inæqualibus pedunculisque grosse glandulòso-squamosis, corolloe infundibuliformis lobis omnibus rolundatis acutis, staminibus 10,
filamentis basi pilosis, ovario 5-loeulari furfuraceo.
H ab. Sub-Himalaya mountains, interior of Sikkim. FI. April and May.
A small shrub. Leaves two to three inches long, an inch wide, slightly tapering at both extremities, glabrous, beautifully
and closely reticulated above, beneath often reddish, punctato-squamulose: the costa terminating in a short produced
point. Petiole glabrous, wrinkled. Pedmcles short, clothed, as is the calyx, with large, yellow, glandular scales. Calyx
cut to the base into five very unequal linear lobes or segments, of which the upper one is much the longest, and
almost subulate. Corolla small, infundibuliform, cinnabar-coloured, five-lobed, the lobes spreading, rounded, acute. Ovary
oblong-ovate, glanduloso-squamose, five-celled. Stamens ten, included : filaments stout, hairy at the base. Style longer
than the stamens, hairy below. Stigma capitate, five-lobed.
One of the most distinct of all the Indian Rhododendrons yet known, remarkable for its reticulated leaves and the
singular colour and acute lobes of the corolla.
Tab. Vm. Rhododendron, cinnabarinim. Eg. 1. Corolla. 2. Stamen. 8. Pistil and calyx. f§ Section of ovary, showing the five cells
Oleaster-leaved Rhododendron.
Eruticulus ramosissimus, ramis tuberculatis subverticillatis, foliis parvis brevi-petiolatis late obovato-trapezoideis utrinque squamis orbicularis dense
furfuraceis, pedunculis solitaries fruetiferis dongatis folia quintuplo superantibus, capsula oblongo-cylindracea 5-loculari 5-valvi basi segmentis
calycinis brevioribus suflidta.
I-Iab. Mountains of Sikkim-Himnlaya, at an devarion of 14-15,000 feet.
Frntex parvus lignosus valde ramosus; ramis tortis divaricatis 4-8 uncías longis, cortice atro-fusco tuberculato tectis. Folia £ unciam
longa, eequilata, coriácea, plana, obovato-trapezoidea, costa valida percursa, obtusa, basi in petiolum brevem angustata, utrinque squamulis
minutis argenteo-furfuraceis ut in Flaagno. Pedmcubts fructíferas uncialis, capsula erecta, 2 lineas longa.
A good many specimens of this plant were brought to me by my collectors from the neighbourhood of the snow in April, growing at
about the elevation above stated j but none in flower. A figure of it is therefore omitted; and its affinities cannot of course be ascertained