Tal YE
EffiYMI, Hoak.fil.
Dr. Boyle's Rhododendron.
Ta b . VII.
.Arbuscula, foliis coriaceis ellipticis aouminnlatis margine revolutis basi obtusis subcordatis supra glaberrimis nitidis subtus ochraceo-fuscis
pulverulentis, petiolis transversim rugosis, capitulis 6-8-floris, lobis (pedunculisque resinoso-glandulosis) brevissimis rotuudatis,
corollte intus lineatte segmentis rotundatis acutis, staminibus 10, ovarii puberuli loculis 5.
Hab. Sikkim-Himalaya; mountains of the interior. FI. April and May.
This and the following species {R. cinnabarinum) belong to a group distinguished by the small size of the plants, the
brownish-red colour of the corolla, and its nearly equal and sharp segments. As species they are all easily recognised.
The present is a shrub, with almost exactly oval or elliptical leaves, clothed beneath with an ochraceous-brown pulverulent
substance. Petioles obscurely winged. Flowers in a lax head, from four or five to eight. Corolla subcoriaceous, small,
with campanulate tube, striated within, limb not much spreading, the five lobes rounded, but coming to an acute point, the
points tipped with bluish-green. In its unexpanded state, the corolla is tinged with blue. Peduncles slender, short, warted
as it were. Filaments slightly ciliated at the base. Ovary short. Style and stigma green.
Tab. 'VII. Rhododendron Roylii. Kg. 1. Stamen. 2. Calyx and pistil. 8. Section of ovary -.-^magnified.