Æruginose Rhododendron.
T a b . X X I I .
Frutex densissime racemosus, ramis cortice papyraceo tectis, ramnJis petiolis pedunculis foliisque superne glaberrimis, foliis petiolatis obovatis
obovato-oblongisve apice acutis v. muticis basi cordatis subtus dense ferrugineo-tomentosis, capitalo conferto vix densifloro, floribus
lilacinis v. roseis, pedicellis subelongatis, calyce breve 5-dentato, corolla campanulata basi intus plaga sanguinea v. lobo superiore
tantum maculato, staminibus 10, antheris majusculis, filamentis glabris, ovario glaberrimo 5-8-loculari, capsulis cylindraceis elongatis.
H a b . Sikkim-Himalaya, growing with Rhododendron fulgens, and equally abundant, flowering at the same season.
The colour of the flower, the loose capitulum, long pedicels, and campanulate corolla, distinguish this species from
R. fulgens ; in the fruiting season, too, its longer, more slender capsules afford a marked character, as does the more
evidently toothed calyx. When dried, however, they are so difficult to discriminate, that I have felt inclined to unite
them. The leaves are identical in all respects, except that those of this species have a remarkable verdigris hue. It is
still more closely allied to R. campanulatim. Of all the Sikkim shrubby Rhododendrons of any size, these two attain the^
high'est level, reaching nearly to 1 5 , 0 0 0 feet in the remote Lachoong valley, and 1 4 , 0 0 0 feet in that of the Lachen : 13,000
is’their usual level in the ascending zone.
T ab. XXII. Rhododendron aruginosum. Fig. 1. Stamen. 2. Peduncle, calyx, and pistil. 3. Transverse section of ovarium:—all magnified.
4. Fruit:—natural size.