Lance-leaved Rhododendron.
T a b . IV.
Subarboreum, ramis rugosis tortuosis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acatissimis coriaceis basi cordatis margine revolutis glabris, supra mdistincte
penninerviis viridibus subfcus reticulatis luteis, petiolis tubereuloso-rugosis, floribus terminalibus capitatis majusculis puniceis, lobis
calycmis late obovatds foliaeeis erosis, corollis reticulatis, staminibus 10, ovario dense villoso 5-SJ.oculavi.
H ab. Interior of Sikkun-Himalaya. Fl. May.
This constitutes a shrub, six to eight feet high, the bark reddish, papery, easily separating and falling off. Branches
spreading, tortuous, wrinkled and knotted. Leaves chiefly at the extremities of the branches, three to four inches long, one
to one inch and a half wide, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, very acute, the margins revolute, the base cordate, above full
green, penninerved, the nerves inconspicuous, beneath reticulated and tawny or yellow brown, quite glabrous on both sides,
and destitute of dots or furfuraceous scales : petioles half an inch long, much wrinkled and tubercled, looking as if diseased,
glabrous. Mowers of a moderate size, collected into a rather dense head at the ends of the branches. Bracteas small.
Peduncles glabrous. Calyx large, cut almost to the base into five, obovate, slightly spreading, coloured, erose, foliaceous
lobes. Corolla rich puce-colour, campanulate, distinctly reticulated, five-lobed, lobes rounded, waved. Stamens waàjnstil
included. Ovary elliptical, densely shaggy with hairs, five to eight-celled. Style slender, flexuose. Stigma capitate.
Allied to the preceding, R. barbatimi, but forming a stunted shrub, with very differently shaped leaves, tawny beneath
when recent, the corollas reticulated, the calyx-lobes erose, and the plant is everywhere destitute of hairs except on the
ovary, which is more shaggy than that of R. barbatum.
Tab. IV. Rhododendron lancifolium. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil -.—natural she. 3. Section of the ovary. 4. Pollen with tubes -.--magnified.