B..VIB.GATUM. H o o l fil.
Twiggy Rhododendron.
Ta b . XXVI. A.
Fruticulus gracilis, erecfcus, virgatus, ramulis pedicellis foliisque squamulosis, foliis lineari-ellipticis lanceolatisve mucronatis subtus albo-glau-
cescentibus vel pallidioribus, pedicellis brevibus axillaribus solitariis rarius binis, bracteis cbartaceis coneavis suffultis, calyce abbreviato
obtuse 5-lobo, corolla campanulata glanduloso-punctata, tubo subcontracto, lobis angustia, staminibus 8-10, filamentis basi lanatis,
stigmate exserto capitato, capsula 5-loculari ovata vel breviter cylindracca squamulis ferrugineis tecta, seminibus pallidis.
Hab. Sikkim-Himalaya; skirts of Pine-forests in ravines, elev. 8-9,000 feet. Lacben valley. FI. May;/»-. October.
Decidedly the most slender twiggy species with which I am acquainted, the stems and branches reaching four feet in
height, and scarcely the thickness of a crow-quill. The leaves are so like those of R. glaucum as to require no detailed
description. Flowers solitary, rarely in pairs, and axillary : the pedicels two to three lines long, covered with sheathing
deciduous coriaceous brown scales, which are longer than the pedicel, very rigid in texture, downy on the back. Corolla a
pale rod-purple, smaller than that of R. triflorum, but of the same form : the tube short, narrow and obconical, the segments
narrow and spreading. Style long,- stigma exserted. Galydne lobes short, broad and rounded. Capsules seldom half an
inch long, surrounded at the base by the short appressed calyx.
The axillary flowers and nature of the imbricating bracts are almost peculiar to this species.
T ab. XXVI. A. Rhododendron virgatum. Pig. 1. Stamen. 2. Calyx and pistil. 3. Transverse section of ovarium. 4. Pruit. 5. Portion
of under surface of leaf:—all but Jig. 4 magnified.
Snow Rhododendron.
T a b . XXVI. B.
Pruticulus depressus, prostratus, ramosissimus, ramis ramulisque tortis cortice fusco tectis, foliis minimis terminalibus confertis patulis ramu-
lisque dense ferrugineo-lepidotis, petiolo brevissimo, lamina coriacea élliptico-oblonga obovatave utrinque obtusa, marginibus subrecurvis
subtus glaucescentibus, pedicellis solitariis terminalibus brevissimis, calyce laxe lepidoto, lobis submembranaceis cih’atis, corolla parva
(rubro-purpurea), tubo brevissimo, lobis' oblongis lineari-oblongisve obtusis patulis, staminibus 8-10 exsertis, antheris oblongis