p . “
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guished from young plants of B . matricariafolium; and, indeed,
small specimens of both these species were formerly confounded
with B . simplex. In the “ Synopsis Filicum ” this is considered
a variety of B . nitaceum [ = B . matricaricefolium\ but the very
careful and pains-taking studies of Dr. Milde show them to be
both well-marked and distinct species ; and this view is confirmed
by a close inspection of the very numerous specimens of both
species which I have received from numerous correspondents in
New England, New York, British America, and Colorado. The
differences between the two species will be carefully pointed out
when B . matricariiBfolium comes to be figured and described in a
later portion of this work.
B . lanceolatum grows chiefly in damp mossy places along
shaded rills, but sometimes on moist hill-side pastures. My first
specimens were collected near Tappantown, New York, in 1857,
by Mr. Coe F . Austin. The sporangia are ripe in New York
about the middle of July.
The drawing. Plate V., Fig. 2, represents a plant of Botrychium lance-
olatum of full size: occasionally the habit is a little stouter and more con-
P l a t e V. — F ig . 3 .
BO T R YCH IUM BO R E A L E , M i l d e .
Nor th ern G ra p e -F e rn .
B o t r y c h iu m b o r e a l e : — Plant two and a half to seven
inches high, smooth; the sterile segment dark green, fleshy,
placed considerably above the middle of the plant, sessile, cordate-
ovate or somewhat triangular in outline, pinnately cleft to a narrow
rachis; pairs of divisions two to four, closely placed, sometimes
overlapping, the lowest ones rounded-ovate from a narrow
base, cut half-way down into two to four broad obtuse lobes;
upper divisions successively smaller, entire or slightly lobcd;
veins flabellately forking; fertile panicle with a stalk about as
long as the sterile segment, twice or thrice pinnate, the sporangia
Botrychium boreale, M il d e , Botanische Zeitung, xv. ( 18 5 7 ), p. 880; Nova
Acta Acad. Nat. Cur., xxvi., pars ii., p. 672, t. 5 1, fig. 17 5 - 17 7 ; Id.
P- 757' t. 55, figs. I, 2 ; Fil. Eur. et Atl., p. 19 4 ; Botr. Monogr.,
p. 118 .
Botrychium Lunaria, var. 4, K a u l fu s s , Enum. F il, p. 25.
Botrychium Lunaria, var. boreale, F r i e s , Herb. Normale, xvi., 85.
H a b . — Unalaska, C iiam is so . Sweden and Norway, Lapland, Finland,
and Eastern Siberia.
D e s c r i p t io n . — The Northern grape-fern has scarcely a
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