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Barcelona Pearmain. Hort. Soc. Fruit Cat. no. 747.
Speckled Golden Reinette. Ibid. no. 933.
Kleiner Casseler Reinette. Ibid. no. 913.
Glace Rouge. Ibid. no. 365.
Reinette Rouge . . . . '3
Reinette Rousse.. •• z q/*various Collections.
Reinette des Carmes 1
I t is not certain how this variety acquired its
common English name. I t has been known many
years in collections near London, and is by no
means uncommon upon the Continent, as its different
names seem to shew.
A very good table A p p le ; not perhaps of first-
rate quality, but at the same time far from mediocrity
; ripening in November, and keeping in perfection
through December and January.
A good bearer either as a dwarf or standard, for
both of which it is well adapted.
The singular speckled appearance of its surface
distinguishes this from all other Apples.
Wood dull chestnut, with a few pale-brown
Leaves middle-sized, flat, oval, with a remarkably
long, abruptly acuminate point, which has very
few serratures. S tipules long, linear.
F lowers below the middle size. P etals
somewhat oval, inclining to ovate, nearly flat, not
imbricated when fully expanded.
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