with silver clasps*. A short picket of llie
Yihk'h has svunotinics it little skirt,
syvs owr this, and is tastr'innl, likewise,
about the breast wMx brass or silver clasps,
or by laving. I heir stockings an' ol eoarse
wvvh knittnl and dyed black; and their
shoes made of the skins ot sheep or seals.
Over the shoulders of many of them, on each
side» ore hanging thick ropes of horse-hair,
wMSib braided, with a noose at the end, by
which thev carried the lwmd-barrows with fish.
I k e dress of the men was pretty nearly the
saase as that of our pilots, except that their
cioihes were general I v blaek, and their stock-
lasgs. also. In laborious employments, both
thev anti the women frequently threw off
itaeir jacket, and worked with nothing but
frlhwPjlT WOjTS&iOd shirt-sleeves over their arms.
As to the features of this groupe of ladies, the
gsaesalitr of them were, assuredly, not cast
== ~Piat yjyurti ( UpphiuittT, in Icelandic), however,
* i i s ; sdv lacs® than the petticoat« are, so long as to
c-Mesai 3mmek o f tbear ill-shaped le g s : otherwise, it
* -jv-r. vs a ¡sreaS hindrance to their walking among
♦us rv'-i.'c I t& sffikst one old lady, a constant la-
vvre? v * veach, %ko never had her dress come
Sf&Kt i%&ik
in miltin'’» 11iijip111 *.I mould, and V/mc of *b*
old women wire the v«ry ttglicxt fftoftfclx /
I Hid over neon; but, among the younger
there were a lew who would l>e reckoned
pretty, even in ICnglund; arid, in point of
fairness of complexion, an Iceland gild, vrlto
has not been too much exposed to the rn-
clemencies of the weather, will stand the
comparison with ladies of any country. I hey
are generally of a shorter stature than our
women, but have a good deportment, and, to
judge from their appearance, erijoy an excellent
state of health. After having attentively
surveyed this interesting assemblage,
we repaired to Mr. Savigniac’s house: bat,
as this was built in Norway, and not different
from what a wooden house would be in our
own country, it had no charms for me. I
therefore hastened to take a ramble by the sea
shore. A little rude bridge,O ' formed of Atdanks.
across a streamlet, led me out of the town;
and, passing two or three peasant's houses.*
* Close by these houses, and by all in ; A- ins-
mediate vicinity of the sea. are contrivances for d r e s s
the fishing-dresses, which are made o f ur.rar.ned sis*-»
skirl, with the hair inwards, or nukOy scraped cdC
and comprise the jacket and lrowsers all ecv pacce.