various changes that have taken place. The
Icelandic Villarium is here our only guide,
and from this is extracted the following
statement, in applying which to the present
time, it must be observed, that, from subsequent
sales, the quantity of farms in the
possession of the occupiers has been mar
terially increased, and the regal and ecclesiastical
estates proportionably diminished.
No. of Farms.
To the K in g .................................. 718
To the Bishop’s see of Skalholt 304
To the Bishop’s see at Holum . 345
Church Glebe............................. 640
Glebe of Clergy...................... .. 140
Glebe of superannuated Clergy . . 45
For maintaining the Poor. . . . . 16
For maintaining the Hospitals.. 4
To Farmers..................... ............... 1847
Total number of Farms .. 405»
The * exact expenditure of the island,
which, in the present state of affairs, considerably
exceeds the amount of the revenues,
is more easily ascertained; but, previously
to mentioning the particulars of it,
it will be necessary to give some little
account of the persons holding offices, who'
have not yet been npticed,but whose expences
are defrayed by government, or, what is the
same thing, paid from funds established for
the purpose, which are under the superintendence
of goverment. The salaries of the
different masters of the small school at
Bessestedr, the only one in the island maim
tained at the public expence, together with
the allowance for the support of the boys,
amount to three thousand two hundred and
fifty-three rix-dollars.
It is greatly to be lamented that there are
no hospitals throughout Iceland of any sort;
that which formerly existed at Guvernæs
having been dissolved, from being considered
too burthensome an institution, and the poor
wretches sent to their respective homes,
where those deemed incurable are allowed
a small pittance for their maintenance, which
does not altogether exceed the sum of sixty-
four rix-dollars per annum. There is consequently
no place of reception for the sick,
and, what aggravates the evil is, that there are
but six medical men in the whole island, and