Brought forward
7 Myre Provstie.................... . . . . 7 Livings
8 Snoefieldnes Provstie 7 Ditto
9 Dale P ro v stie .................... 6 Ditto
10 Barderstrands Provstie .. . . . . 8 Ditto
11 Isefiords Vester Provstie . . . . 6 Ditto
12 Isefiords Norder Provstie ___ 7 Ditto
13 Strande Provstie.............. . . . . 4 Ditto
14 Hunevands Provstie . . . 15 Ditto
15 Skagefiords Provstie . . . 14 Ditto
16 Oefiords Provstie.............. . . . . 15 Ditto
17 Norder Provstie . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Ditto
18 Norder Mule Provstie.. . 10 Ditto
19 Syder Mule Provstie . . . . . . . 12 Ditto
To ta l. . . . . .
The amount of the revenues of the church- v
lands and tythes is therefore ........... *
To tht3 may be added.
The Bishop’s annual salary .......................
The Stiftprovsts annual salary .........................
Salary to the Priest of Reikevig ch u r ch -----
Pension to Bishop Stephensen’s Widow . . . .
Pension to Pastor emeritus Bergsen ............
Pension to Pastor emeritus Tholevsen...........
Total s u m ............
The sum for the augmentation and amendment
o f poor clergymen’s livings and widow’s >
pensions is ................ ‘.' ¡ vV'. . •
Thus the grand total of the expenditure of -»
the church amounts to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
The Icelandic language is the most ancient,
and most pure, of all the Gothic and
Teutonic dialects. It has been called the
Cimbric, from its having been the one which
chiefly prevailed among those tribes who inhabited
theCimbrica Chersonesus, and, under
this name, it is considered by the learned
Dr. Hickes *, as the parent of the Swedish,
Danish, and Norwegian languages, in the
same manner as the Anglo-saxon is of the
English, of the Friezland, and of the Lowland
Dutch, and the Francic of the German language.
All of them proceed from the same
original stock That the Icelandic has retained
its original purity to such a degree,
that an Icelander of the nineteenth century
can read, with ease, the oldest manuscripts
* In his Linguarum vet. Septentrionalium Thesaurus
Grammatico-criticus et Archceologicus.
f ‘ c To the old original mother-tongue it has been
usual, after Verstegan, to give the name of Teutonic,
not so much from the Teutones or Teutoni, who inhabited
the Danish islands, and were brethren to the
Cimbri, as from its being the ancient Tuytsh, the language
of Tuisto and his votaries j the great Father
and Deity of the German tribes.” Northern Antiquities,
i. p. xl.