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si.'rio?M. iV ij r if u U v U'k.to'.'kU' '
CUrrCUl, ECt.l' "-i; M'; .'’ ’• r, ••.-.ilv, L'to- .
M muiiv .l ¡Í
^or.nrr u.. ‘ ÍmUí it
« loî)“’ t i l ' LO ■;< i 'í . '- i lu i . -■
ihh and luki hvA, ¡xoi íulI h c r f f :........
gi'OkT.ded ' " • . ” MDt scttinf oiikULi toígiii-iu--.. .«
to f/: ■ her aHóuí ‘■■o. i.- ineffèctuaî. Aifc^'vuoi.ulcs '
Mf-Klsoh,.'’tvhí) was.on huitríl, la'U.to' >iìe, fxyW-r- . .
íTOíring ihc r i v e i - d o o k e d . i z . . oiu iM-lo '.:tori.u c v .,
report we tvorki^l ìiHAier ; lyn
that in a íew iriomeriisk : were eotowards
frcoins the boat còuld í;om
her anohorí; to the shore and j u
land jhoidd wc not o. so Monee'-'
the s:rehlMvind,-vve iVnmd the ice ç' '. -'C-„h,.-re, not leaving vi^ibíc t n
The cî'ew now enjoved eM • c''
shtoodd remain hy Usf dsl\
ould7t> idru ■■ -toUMu--M '.A
borne ik<;;re «w /v" ■
butaslu.-i ''.t'j:/; :.n;'■•>■;■.•
. the MU-l'Ciiv sWtotoi vM;...
ice in contaci wh. Mu-
and a iiairie:./
on the üuisîtiv'.
h Ô a’m'to
sea in
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tokiiiiig in
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