upon themselves the task of describing and of superintending the
delineation of the various specimens. Their contributions will form
another 4to. volume of species entirely new, or, as before, of such as
have been imperfectly described. The public in general are not aware
how much is due to these gentlemen, without whose zeal and aid they
would be deprived of much useful knowledge; for, notwithstanding the
liberal assistance of his Majesty's government, there is so little encouragement
for works of the above-mentioned description, that they
could not be published unless the contributions were gratuitously
offered to the publishers.
The extent and nature of the tables in the Appendix of the
present work, and the necessity of revising all the computations since
the return of the expedition, will account for the delay that has occurred
in its publication.
P A R T I.
C H A P T E R I.
D e p a rtu re from En g lan d— Tene riffe—Sun eclipsed— Fern an d a Norhona— Make tlie Coast of
Brazil— Rio J an e iro—Passage round Cape H o rn—Conception— Valparaiso. P a g e 1
C H A P T E R I I .
Leave th e Coast o f Chili—V isit Sala-y-Gomez—E a ste r Island— Ho stile Reception th e re—
Description of th e In habitants, Island, &c.— E n te r th e dangerous Archipelago—Da v is’
Is lan d— Elizabeth or Hen d erso n ’s Is la n d— Its singula r F o rm atio n— See Pitc airn
Island. . . , . . . 2 6
C H A P T E R I I I .
P itc airn Island— Adams and Natives come off to the Ship— Adams’s A c count of the Mu tin y
o f th e B o u n ty— L ieu ten a n t Bligh sen t adrift in the L aunch— Mu tin e ers proceed to
Tobouai— Hostile Reception th ere— Proce ed to Otahe ite— R e tu rn to Tobouai—Again
q u it it, an d re tu rn to O tah e ite—Christian determines to proceed to P itc airn Island—
L an d s th e re— F a te o f th e S hip—In su rrec tio n among th e Blacks— Mu rd e r o f Christian
and four of th e Mutine ers— Adams dangerously wounded— F a te o f the remaining
Mu tin e ers. . . . . . 4 9
C H A P T E R IV .
B o u n ty B ay— Observatory landed— Manners, Customs, Occupations, Amusements, &c. of
th e Na tive s—Village— Description o f the Island— Its P roduce—Marriage o f Adams
— B arge hoisted out— D e p a rtu re— Ge n era l De scription. . . . 7 1
C 2