Frigate-Bird) do we perceive any immediate relations.- The
passage to these takes place through the intervention of the
otbe^^oasiers, in the first pl>'which the genera Gypàètus and
Gypommanus approach so near them a>sf even to have | strong
claims’ t]É0jfè' ^Included in- the same family, being al most, exactly
mteEme^ffi^tesween ûFalconidæ and fklüm dk.
«Mtfotâgh ÏM Vultm^dæ are far from exhibiting the same
diversity of e o n fto n a |« i, habits, a»d appetites, fs the n iâ ^ ^ n s
tribe of the Falcoafs,’ and form « d e ed as a whole a mucmMolte*
compact mass, and muin less numenams in speç|E| even^lbic
^mturalists, with Illi-ger at their head«-. wha^ha^Rtcft untoufeéd-
''yt ^ g reat-.^BteTO Fedfo, have joined ummirtSbusly yrife.the*’reformers
Srlîviding that .of Vultur into two great ffipÉjÉëlït «gênera. • • rôtai!
©oiwse, though .we 'imitate it onrseltesj- we must eonfes f®: »o®e|
expedient than consistait, and it jfe «probable th^Sifojr'thli«Bte
reason that differential traits arc, le ^ npmerfes and^o'mp|xca^d»
in the different |méeâès,.that the divisons haire beeif mqre^asiJy
made a id admitted Let uk analyze them./. Illiger was.the ffiPsA
tOr.steparate the specfes.. iEytfj hpitWg genera É^ttetrtes and l ’ûtylfoL
we say @6fe$r*sj i^ lu d in ^ i Storr and« Lacépède, whbrTong-feine|sp
with so. mneh-'iteason witndre^ Gypaetus &om thfegfenis,«
not adverting tw thevârtfiéial section made hy' Dum^il ,in the
year 480% finder the-name of Sarcoramphus, for The; sfeout-
-hflled eampemlated spoeies indiscrimmatèly.. The èharaejer#
assigned by Hijger werl precise and natural, anfefe e spc
cited as examples,^sfe^'tly typical. But Temrnfrfck in adopfc^fei
Hiiger,’s two /genera, misapp|ji^ the’eharacfdK^and rehderçd thefpÿ
^n n aturd by declaring the Vultur Percmàpteriis â Cathartes, whïBt'1
SgiM® fact a slemierfeiiled Vultur, as tha|; -Condor ,is a stput-billS^
Kfithartes. Deceived bÿ ; Tomminek^ we at -first adopted this**
Rroneous view, which we have finally rectified in our Observations^
bn the second edition of fee Règne Animal of Cuvier.: In returning
to what we conbidofe fee .principles b f Illiger, as they certainly
are the dictates-'of reason,- it so. happens .that this' genus Cathartes,
as- T&.oftei/feetiM&a'se^itsf f@unfe,feie@rrespond to a geographical
division, beiin-g^ exclusively fem^i^aiv whilst that of Vuli§Mfs in
like mafiMcr- confined to the old- continent. The other genera
wMck- hafe been propos ed among '\Me.Vukm4cfc& may be cSttWered
as groUps-iof saeondary- importsw©©:!!.
1 - Tbd^ fee'-thr^ European speoiesf',belona«^cO)rdiag to Savigny,
to as maaS^spparatc -gefneraj naraj^ J ^G y p& ^^^ iu s, and Neophron*
The -l^jg^e^Mfeed tw i^vp^oper^femibsl?®^ very -well marked
subg^^^^^fghicntwfe adopifetUnier fee name of Perenopterus^Gwv^e^
It.feo’iijIiSnsilteo m j| knowledge- but two« well* ascertained s p e c if
which Vultures o f the olffl&oniimnt. 1
The. omeT' European« Vultures-^with - sfejit hills, are comprised
Tmmy^s’uDgenb$ Vultur, composed of ten* well knSwn species.- But
Mahasust^^'eohms^ihatfeh^ Vmiur cinereus and Vultur fulvus differ
ipalwEiall^'and feat feefetherr skeletons present differences that
in ofefei^^s^i mi^®phf^;^ h S rd f e ^ as^gvCn f ^ r e than*genfcric,
^m ^ ^m e ubiffem ifieou^S^^lfifeViFfd’und to, poeyail throughout
fee dt^nerQUs^specie§ bTFalCQnfe This observation IpBelieve has
never befSfie been fe^dev. > »%^giiy founded hi*igroip^tefeich are
excellg^feWrorofvisiQnS) bn: fee ) different eonfon^BSnl of fee
.io^tiril^^pi* fife1 tongu^, aculeat6#lon -its margin in G*ft"and not
in ‘jEgyffms, and on the n im b e t' of taiTIAfeersiii which is twelve
in fee latter, hs in the i^aPrican genus, and fourteen in his genus
fe/pgiia^wdl as. ifcjWfcAron.
f e T h d f ^ f e thcltwelve species (^rsfentiig - my genus Vultur
di\ttded into twb ver^nttu^al &ubge®Ka, eof^espOnding tofedtwo
^nfera of YieUitj^ FMtert;|domprising ten species,) and Neophron,
^Rmprising but fee fisst being subdivisible into the two,
* ffiupjw. reckons four. He rflafes two of V. fulvus, Considering the Chassefiente of
fee ¥dltent a .feHSfef.'sjfefafefy