description which^ accompl&ifed it was a sl^lèctive as the
* figure, the author’spencff notés haying^eea. f«kujjd partly U J^hle,
and it wàs mà'rked.Jby him as a Tririp p ip ayfecond’and much
improved edition/ which it^||ias ^pleased *the author to eall" arf[
O rig in al ^otkjlthough the plate§ are idenjjjfoal with the former;
Mr.Ord’s descâplion aàd pérsoHal o h s e rv ^ ^ is ^ à e very cdrréct»
and^^enious, Mit the name and svny mes are^fRogether mis-
appliedj through ^ mistaking I t fcr^the Phalaropushyùerboreus.
In a paper published in the Annals of the Lyceum of $few- York,
I ivailed myself of the first opportunity that offered tocXplain the
confusion respecting the "three ;â0 cies, and' finalisa» distinguished»
among them three groups which *i$e exmnp1iffila||n mjêSynopsis»
Mr. Sabine was not aware when he appli^Kofffifs bird' ttfe
name of op^,predééesjM^thaf he was performing not me&e|y&n
act ç f «®àrtesy and ri^ p c t, hut*one ©f justice alito to w à r ^ i ts
first discoverer. It was only by actuaLmspection o f speiibfen
examined by W2 s(M/-and •preserve®|JPthe Albanj|j|Ri|||eum, that
we could identity the species, and it does not appe^nRmprising to-*
us that seme who Irave not thus verified the fact for tfoamBelgfc
should still express doubts, as Baron Cuyielf hasfdone b||pimpïr-
cation in the- new edition of his Reg%tg Jlnirnd^k* IVe ourselves',
when we first procured thé bird, had not thè least suspicion j
that it wap; contained iifijBjjjâson’s wprk. É Every one will therefore
. be sensible of the prcquicty off publishing a new - figure* more
needed in fact in this pàse than if the species had been new.
tThe deseriptiop in -Sabine’s Appendix to Franklin’s Expedition
©ould not however & misunders«od, and Temapnck and Vieillot
by its perusal w o J ^ p a y e spareÉÉÉiis bird tv « ^ to n ym e s , as they
simultaneously figure! a h i de^TOed it in their i&sngctive works
under the different names quoted in oür list, though Vieillot
peréêiveâ it to be the s p e c ^ intended by Wtisofi. T h e*
authors of the Illustrations of Ornithology did nj^feecognise jn
their Lobipes incanm the young, of this,, which is not much to Be
Wondered« a t ; but it is. raffier/ext-raordmpby■ that writers so -justly
jsscrupulous about'fh^mghtst'df' priority sh-ould adopt, though
greatly posterior, Tcmminck’si name' instead ©frSabine’s, thus
fl|ghtingnp y e ^ ^ oFThe best ©f the few posdtivd^oological labours
o f their -.owj.eWntrymen, ind after it had bfeen- already sanctioned
by straingbEsit'; i
Hlfeat the Lobipes incanus iss tteyoung^ofiiitbats species, which any
one familiar with .the e-hanges. 0tfj.plumage o f ^ e Pbalaropes might
JhavefsuspectecLjwill, istdshtopedfhe placed beyond future question
^ the figtjhfe vmnpw gi'yo 'also of if. ;
, If the bill only .-were considered, this species} might with some
propriety be-united.} sub-geirorically w ith jh e P. hypi&rboveus, but as
by its^febtjit-differs considerably from befth they Other Phalaisopes,
which* agree in this particular, we hdve instituted for it a> peculiar
snhg,^M®s under the n am ew f Holopodius, which regard as in
all. re sp e e t^m b re essentially different from th e old groups than
they are-from eac^qthefrm, w h a t respect,Mr. Sabine found this
spe c ie^w h ich he* so well established, inter mediafcd between the
two,-, we are at a*Ip«.s to imagine*
In fact, in .Holopodius, so opposiyef4dk.^{uvi'eK,S'' Lobipes both in
name and character, the tsaesishaveya mtefow border' formed hy a
subentite -membrane; the -outeb con>nemcnJI@» th e first joiixt only ;
the inner-almost cleft, and the hind toe - long1' and testing on the
ground: the two other-groups h%ingthe«o^broadlyibordereiiWith
a--deeply scalloped membrane and semap&lmated* tfie- hind- toe is
very short,, the mail Gnl^-touching the» grounds!!' The Lobipes of
Cuvier’ differs fmmthe Gtymophilus o f Viei#otrcffily in the shape of
the -bill, st’Sfti flattened, and carinated, in the latter* ftjeiaulbi
and-cylindrical in the forna^r, asj'well, as in ours*
■«EdwardsfiysJ» brought the Phalaropesyinto- notice, a®sd it was
from, his worklpthat Linnaeus and Brisson registered these sin^hlar
von. iv.—Q.