beyond the Rocky Mountains.^ It was not seen by Lewis an1^
I Clark until they-had: passed tfcb great falls of the Colainbia, add
it is by no means common or numerous -any wheiforhi the northern
parts of America, thoSemdayiduali that 'have: beenobseiw^here«
appear to have been stragglers« from their native oduntry, which
■ii no doubt South America. It might even be limited to the great
chain of the Andes, especially. their most elevated ranges* being
plentifulin Quito, Peru^-New: Granada, and Antioquia, and fiiutfh
more rare where they are leis?fo%,i*be Condor inhabiting pretty
nea^^.tbe same altitude with the Cinehonse and other subalpine
p la n S It is moreover, according to the obs^^mions of Hum-
h ^ t ^ h e ifn^ariabfc companion of the Guanaco for an extent of
nearly-Htpe thousand miles of «oast, after which this animal is
h®4 l°fflg^#een, but the Coador continues to be met with -mtieb
beyond this; as if quite indifferent to-eHmate, or bebause it can
regulate it by varying its elevation with the change of latitude.
In. the. eastern or> even, southern Waited States a Condor has
never been seen, though the Ring Culture o f South, A f r i c a has
been occasionally observed. Theebief abode of the Condo rs
indeed on; tfee higfopt: summits of the Andes, some of which ave
covered with perpetual snow, and is fixed % Humboldt at betwe’en
three thousand one hundred and four thousand nine hundred
n itre s, . ^ e r y time,^says be, that d have been berborizinghear
limits of perpetual snow, we were sure to be surrounded by
Copdqrs. !;J£hese Mountains and the forests that clothe them
sides are th©,Condor’s home, and from these theirexeursionsare
extended .oyer the whole neighbourhood tQ the very sea, from
whieh they may be often seen hoveling at prodigious heights and
describing Vast circles, but. always: ready to lower themselves by
degrees whenever they espy a chance of satisfying their voracious
appetite. They^are only known, however, ti^ tepend towa^s the
seashore during the rainy season, correspoimlhg to bur winter,
when they come in search, of food and warmer weather: they
then obtain- thb bodies of fishes pap marine animals, such
as »Whale SjuIb Seals,'; and1 the «pnospeet gof finding?. these ■ is their
principal attraoti®n>to the «at evening, and.
as a joufneyj of - several hpndred milessirequiresdoi tbemhut little
time or exertion, as soon- as their meal As digested^and .they begin
to feel lightnróthgy return to.* their labourite rooks,-often during
the following day. They have* snumtime^heen» hdfcMiibaiti sca,
Stealing .on »the dead body .of a Whale whi ch«thêyt weare tearing for
food, They,'exhibit the1 common ppgslpexaity.aerf -their' trihM for
parrieffl^tend nothing tónt the urgent, stimulus of Ranger ean bring
them to attaqkj living Greatures, and then their è®waf^éÉ!willdïm
allow them to meddle w#th anybut wbfoh
are incapable!iof defending .themsefyes. f They will Sfe© combine
together t© overpowen their,; puny,, if they speithe least danger of
resistance.: A single Cougar, or evenias^Duragepias bird,; will drive
fronutheir prey a whole«troop nRC-qmdors, which hpwevop, seldom
amounts ,to-moEn/than five »or J^ixj.iras--they. do, pots.collect tin such
numerous* t bodresras - their felfovy Vultures^ When feeding on a
Cow, a»»Guapaco, or-a Raco, they firsb'pfofeout theeyq§$ then -tearaway
and deypprV^^ andmext the.-entrails,, at -last picking
the flesh from the bones. Smaller animals stbseygenerally swallow
whole. Guided by their aabjazirigly acute -faculty -of smell?/ the
Condor will arrive,- performin^||ircular .evdfotidnsj from the
highest j^giq^f; of, the atmospK^; upon awearrion, and bften,
trusting to Ihbiar pöweflSvof ,dagesti#i, they swallow bones and flesh
together. The Indians, too indolent to .keep elean thefebutehèring
©»limilaB? plaeespand ©één. neglecting to bury their dead with
sufficient .carefulnessi have-a. great veneration-for this bird and
Others.of its kind, to Whinhfthèyölrust toirid them of suebnujbaigG&s.
The regaEd with whieh they are treated makes them so familiar,
that .Humboldt relatess his being able>to approach within two