jW l aM g a B L Adüftt/^pïate T&V\ F i^T /Y o u n ^M
WiM0M’8« |e» icon. OrnilholomfjCfray Pmuarope, Phalaropus voPiX, p.
'* 72^ pi. TOR a very lad Ueffir<^lndTtHpcrfe'clrîoeount ; and; a much Better
on’e' llluspSting’ tB^^metfigurapnAe ^®>n(Pemion bf 'th'&samëVolume! calledjjly
Mr. OmfàSupplemenC to the JLmmèan Ornithology o fÆ ih o n , under thé name of
ik liïo&n Phalarope, Phalaropus lohalus, p. 232.
Phalaropus Wihomtp§ABine', Zool. App. Franklin's Exp. p. 691. Nob. Jpbs.,Wils.
sp. 233. He j S a T ü m ^ w m . 'in Jïnn!*LycllSFxF'. II, p, 159: Id. ^^pl.àyn. in
Eat Cat1, anwSun. Birdr U.'$|| sb. 279. tÉklSypscch. Comp.
Phalaropus /roenaths,lViEUA.. Gar.. Ois~. II, p/ 178, pW^5l.
Phalarcpw fimÉrtàbus,*Temm. P1»*Cq1. SSÿO, ,,
Loolpès1 fîmbrttnjÊÈ&ijBM apd JaimÈe, jOrm^Ûl.. 1, Syp. sp,. 2, Adult.
Lohipes ineanuasjSEnBY and Jabd. Om. III. 1, Syn. Sp. 3, tab. 16. Young.
Ph&larope liseré, T emm, tocFcit.
Phalarope bridé, YSmnîfoc. cà.
American Phalaropçf$jÇjsisÊ, loc'$il. Lath. Gen. Hist. X, p. 4, sp. 2.
Philadelphia Museurr^KAolt;. Leadbealer’s Collection, Young. -,
« -This.beautiful, and as1 regards^^stemk^ remarkahl%b®dj was
first; disCwlrted;^btsf W&Mrot, LwhcQ h aafffne; li?b|if |o# mWïïsh the
speciefsjhimselft, wjfu‘ld dojab^ss^h'ave^fixed itjOnjthe'same firm'
basis as in' othel^ instances of the\Mnd^ Bute deaüfcput an end to
his labours, anc||^p Lthe advantage, w^ich fs^ènoe* daily realized
from them, whepi^mpng^tlrei|imtfertâttftmaterïals this Phalarope
remained;:in, l?i%portfolio. IrHrecame th^ task of friendship to
publish a few rough notes, and'.unfiriished^sketches, the present
among the pest, and a figure ;was ffiiua: pronuced impossible to be
recognized except upon actual., reference to the specimen itself.