own account. As for Senegal, it was merely a gratuitous supposition
on the part of Temmiilek, too rashly converted by tike
same . English authors into Certainty, and it therefore remains
strictly North American, for which country we have,. besides
Wilson’s o«#t!eut experience, ifne unquestioned authorities of
Vieillot and Sabine.-
: Plate-iS lY.. Fig. % *
T rin g a cinclus car. Says in Lo n g ’s E x p . I, •
T rin g a S ch in zii, B rbhm, >Lehrb: KE w , Tfy’g ? II, p. 4 7 1. N ob. Obs. on W ils. before sp.
21U$ I d . Cat. and S yn . B ird s U. $ «p. 249.
Scolopax p u silla ? Gmei.. Syst. I, p. ©68, .sp, 40 ?
T rin g a cinclus vdr. a minor f BRtss;; :j
Im nga'dipm n ? WiSiM» (n o t o f a ti|||lf s .)
M y collection-
It' . 'In'' Mi^PoayV valuable notes to Long’s Expedition, he describes
as follows the Bird which we have had carefully: represeAteS in. the
anihexed plate iii oirdei* that naturalists may judge whether .or not
we are right in referring it to the new European S p e c if hitherto
confounded with Tringcfialpina, and" lately separated by Bfehm in
hfs work on the birds of iSSsifrflpje, .tinder the riad|e of •Ppmga
Schinzii. It is so difficult 'to say what is a speeies and what p
varie^Bn thisi m«^t; intricate gfhus,. that- t#>shali hot- undertake
to crecme from a single specimen, espfeciafejnhen, as in this case,
it involves the identity of the bird in the |^bBp.ntihents. * |
, “ Pelldna cinclus var. , Above bJuc'KXsh m-own, plumage edgCd
with cinriebus or whitish; l?e&d and necte-above Ufeerdous with1
dilated! fusebus lines; eyebrows a btfcfwndine between the
eye and corner of the mouth, apoye which the' fibnt is white j
cheeks,| sideis. of the. lieefc *and tlubat * ^hekequs' lineated, with
blackish-brown, b ill‘short, straigft, blpek j chiri, br«ast, belly,
.vot. iv,--s.