’ . YELLOW-BREAS'gfiD r a il .
1 Plate XXVII. Fig. 2.
Gallinula noveboracensis, L ath. Ind. I ] , p. 7 7 1 ; sp. 16.
.Jpt/dica noveboracensis, Gmi.l. Sysl. sg< i
Hallus ruficollis, Yibxïxu Glpl. Ois. II , p._ 168,.pl. 266. -{A iijjp jp ï). .
Rallus noveboracensis, N o g . Cat. birds U. S. Td. Syn. sp. ‘$03. Id. Sp. corhp.
sp. i m
Per dix hudsonica? L atB? Ind. II, p.w > 5 , s p .-A .
Le RâlevdrféS gorge rousse, Vieii.l. Nouv. Biet. XVIIIyp. 556. i
.^low-breasted GalRpuk, L ath. Syn. III, p. 26a,.sp. 15. - Id. Gen. Hist. 1%
sp. 30. P enn. jlrcl. Zool. II, sp. 410'. .
Hudsonian Quail? L a th . Ind. Oni. Suppl. pi. 224. I d . Gen. Hist. \ III, p. 330; sp. 72.
American Museum, *at New York.
Ip fe - gegp Raü, and that o£ the Gallinules, are so
related, tïïat many*authors have either confoundedthem together',1
or by their various définitions and acceptations m ad * then?
to imeâere with ^fâch other.* Thus, loi Latham, TtemmineriP
and othe'râ,*tbé Short-billed Rails, among which rants tlu^preseni
specie|, ar-e^Gallinules, although they wanÇ, that ob viouS-char acte r
upött which Linné foWdeiLhïs natural, thoügh toommch extended
fgroup4JFu&a, and which we also, with Vlefflpt fed otherlp&flopt
as Ith best repr.e^ntati/e character, paraely, t$ t. uafeed 'fron^l
Glypeus. ."Th# genus Rail 4s therefore verÿ comprehensive In d
numermis im specif,;, which are .spread over alf the glob.e, and
may with, propriety be divided into-two suhgenera or groups, the
first- of which will contaiS the- Long-bilMr^pecies,'finder tlie
more#restricted, name of. Mc&iSi containing the*true RntMmnf alT