and •Jtertials Qfvt^e. qotoiMy oft the. body;;, th e ’ larger are darker,
white at the tips,,ands they form a cohspienoris ha® * « 6*0885.-the
spwpd^s ^ in g ajsd uad«^ wiag-f@«e!FtSi arewhite, ispmewbat mixed
$M l I d ia fy ^ .itfe quilbfeathers * are dark gray, blackish * a t their
poi®it, and o n tb e ie outer web : the shaft, of all iswh&estowards
tlfe middle, and the seeondaries have :moreowca white, spot ateng
itvv rPbe^ ta il is two and a half inches long, slightly rounded-s^he
. Qater and shaiiesfe, feathe» is -white, with a sma ll
towards, th e middl© of.its. inner web ;• the sec0hd each,aidelha«'a
L Wuph. broader and darke^che,extending, ©n ,bqtb wefos^ d£Mw at
base and. pare whitepn the shaft a» d at tip only : all the r e S S lir ig
ones are. d n sk ^ a t base, with a .hroad black space; towards1 the
point, arid are terminated with white, less pure' and less extended
'according as,they a re nearer to th e tine; middle ones,; w h ich a re
merely edged with, whitish. T he feet are yellowfeh • .the tarsus
is almost an inch Ipngrmnd the middle tee threri^naPters f th e
puter is conneeted tP-the'second-jaint with the middle pnexbya
membrane ; and the inner is also connected with tbp middle, hut
no farthcr th an the fifst joint. ..
In -fhe adult, well described by W ilson, (the bill- is, .orange
beyond fhemiddle, black at tbe priintv the margins of jtheeyfelLds
are prange :-the irides are brown : the front, throat, neck broadly
rpuftd, and all beneath pure white : tfhehead is- Of a gray colourj
somewhat tinged with r e d d is h a broad sincipital band, and a
broad ring, round the base of the neck jet black: lora, continued
through thnriye into a broad ‘patch dilating on the aurlculars,
blackish : tne back and wing-coverts are rufo-emereous: the qnills
are blaekish;:jh e fifth, sixth, sesferith and eigh|j|r being white along
the shaft: the seeondariesi fr^ rtdb-cinerepus^mite at their tips :
the ta il is blackish, and quite black towards th e p o i l f ; the outer
tail-feather, is white, th e second, third and fourth being also white
at their tips.
, , la size, tMs>jj»fe,#$% comes neafi©$ty Charadtiiifr cwonicus '(Minor).
of EprOpe, but in eMoiiff and*' allielie mobll fe^dmbles C, hiaticulot
Cte the coasts of New lerseyvth-is species arrives late in April,
keeping them in flocks,.and u rk l Mfe>i#Ma.y, when! t h ^ d !ep»rt-hi
search of more northern ellmes. S o instance hi known oh their
breeding in* the -United# §tafes,‘ butth'eitiflocks reappear per i d eally
in September protracting their stay 'till last of Octo'ber.
They run with rapiditf,1 hrft$id|f*d,ti!affl$r ‘■RfoMn^shtift1 flTO*,
resembling the syllable thyh tkyk. #P'Ep
thp.s^cl osel V ■ related - snecie^ f ' Ring-Plo'v.ejs, h a rd ly eogni^arbie
a t aullstance by, the^eyc;, are afc mcefdeteefed by-’a practised eSai^
their note, being- aO .very different'. Ed®«
hissing woiee of thepresemt for'tb©' isoft knd musical toiifcs <dN$fe'
Piping ;speGies;'sohappily*comparedb^fWils@rii'loeaO-ermariflute.
Itassequallywell knPwn th a t the
' this respect from each other, th e ti’ife Aia^r^/a h a rin g jvfery .nearly
the same hissing;yBide as the ^mi<|M®mated, the cwroriicaS
has* aAwry melancholy cry,«i^semblings