they éven differ subgemlH|Pfalv. and that this one alone ought tè
form tne genus Lobipes oTCuvier.
- Thèdtoföpes oT-Cuwier, since called by the recent English
^ritfeF§ ,;È,obefoot, and on. which Yieillot imposed the name of
Phalpropus, ig fQjriqed in p ijr opinion i f this single species, notwithstanding
that Ouyier and some English authors include the
P. in i t o d 'acèpuht of its^dll being similar. But the feet
«re töó ififfe|jent to allow of such a reunion, Being in this one
precisely similar to fhqs^of the flat-billed species.
T hèbpl of the Lobëroöt'is moderate in length, slender, smooth, throughout, and a little stoutish at base, subulate to
the tjp, with ‘'ffee point narrow and sharp: the upper mandible
curves- -slightly;.upon .the lower at tip, where they dö not quit™
.rneej, aj| ö^cuyjjs ha some Totanb• the nostrilgTtre not quite basal,
as iiu.the HolopocRus, and are linear insteMfSf the subovate form
§f l^GvfirymapJ0us, or true Rhalarope : the tongue is also filiform
and acute, nip means broad, fleshy, and obtuse, .as in the
s.Sne gröup, .; The .tarsi are however longer than in thifpm'öugh
:hhPrter andless!;fcqtQpressed than in the Holopodiüs; thé tQeg are*
Jikewisp intermediate as to .length between the two.Other groups :
the. middle is connected with the inner to tb.ë. first joint, and
H^tftr.the outer to the second; the edging membrane is broad,
deeply; schlepped,;. and finely pectinated: the hind toe ’ is very
short,, only the; mail,. touching the ground» The wings are more
elongated Crymophiltki the tail on the contrary is shorter,
#nd Hie gefieral form slender, in which respect, and some others
alseifthey'bear a resemblance to Totanus.
The Hyperborean Lobefoot, as represented in its summer,
though not. its perfect plumage, is seven and a half inches long,
and fourteen Vand a q.iiarter in extent. The bill is less than an
inch long, black, exceedingly slender, and with bothjmandibles
remarkably acute, the upper being rather longer and somewhat
inflected at ta tpT h e* irildes are brown. * The head, neck above,
back, and wmgjeo verts;» are» very 'dark gi^ay, which comes forward
and round on the lb'wer part of the neck; thus encircling-the white
throat: through the£'eye*fr@m the b®JI passes»a-broad dusky stripe
t#thii hind he ad; a dilates
into a large-patch omeafeh side of the neck,-the tw© ntearly joining
at the back p a r t: the sides of -the-neck and throat are whifeathe
eyelids white; the back and-scapulars are of a darkest colour than
the- adjoining parts, with large spots^b#ferruginous on ffihe upper
part of the back,»occupying the outer srde40f*<the fearoeiisi the
rump and upper tirl-co^erts are banded d«sky: and white.! itfjjjJjSfe
aiies?!«ft'>tbei breast arevdark cfaereoill,. all the«femairiilng low%':>
parts are white, the base of the ^lumage.sbeing blackish» ask»,1
•Which rather predominates ±e:n the flanks, giving to these parts a
very dark mixed appearance. The wings are four* and- a quarter
inches long, and wheif^liOsed reach precisely to the tip of the tail;
the under wing-coverts are varied with whit© and,1 blackish l»W|
the1‘lesser and middle upper» coverts are dark blackish gray, the
latter with a few tip I # i the
greater are almost blackish, and broadly pure white a t the tipsj
which makes a'censpicupus band of.purmw^il^^rd,*tlife'-Wih:f^ ,t
Shte primaries^ are blackish, slightly edged with paler, and isffii
whitish shafts; the secondaries are White at ihfi# base, and .on the
margin df their blackish tips, s©me> of them bei®g»als© whiteon
their iaaimrwebj so that the white mwh |pr®d;©miaates5 t l ^ tertials
are very Jong and wholly blackish. The md isdilSde moi^ithan twb
inches long; the feathers are blackish gray, edged with pale ferruginous
at tip. The feet are ©f a greenish lead ; the. naked space on
the tibia nearly half an inch; the taksn«liittfef'm©re ; than
quarters of an inch, and -precisely of-the same length with the
middle toe; the hind tee no more than'three sixteenths of an inch.
• In old and perfect spefimens,. especially ojd’femafes, %fs .sex
, voL.'wf®-*