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T H E H O O D E D W A R B L E R.
IN many parts of our woods, the traveller, as he proceeds, cannot help
stopping to admire the peaceful repose that spreads its pleasing charm on
all around. The tall trees are garlanded with climbing plants, which
have entwined their slender stems around them, creeping up the crevices
of the deeply furrowed bark, and vying with each other in throwing forth
the most graceful festoons, to break the straight lines of the trunks which
support them; while here and there from the taller branches, numberless
grape-vines hang in waving clusters, or stretch across from tree to tree-
The underwood shoots out its branches, as if jealous of the noble growth
of the larger stems, and each flowering shrub or plant displays its blossoms,
to tempt the stranger to rest a while, and enjoy the beauty of their
tints, or refresh his nerves with their rich odours. Reader, add to this
scene the pure waters of a rivulet, and you may have an idea of the places
in which you will find the Hooded Warbler.
The Southern and Western States are those to which this beautiful
bird gives a preference. It abounds in Louisiana, along the Mississippi,
and by the Ohio nearly to Cincinnati. It is equally plentiful in the northern
parts of the Floridas, Georgia, and the two Carolinas, after which it
becomes rare. None, I believe, are ever seen east of the State of New
York. It enters the lower parts of Louisiana about the middle of March,
and by the beginning of May has laid its eggs, or sometimes even hatched
them. It arrives in South Carolina in April, immediately constructs its
nest, and has young quite as soon as in Louisiana.
The Hooded Flycatcher is one of the liveliest of its tribe, and is almost
continually in motion. Fond of secluded places, it is equally to be
met with in the thick cane brakes of the high or low lands, or amid the
rank weeds and tangled bushes of the lowest and most impenetrable
swamps. You recognise it instantly on seeing it, for the peculiar graceful
opening and closing of its broad tail distinguishes it at once, as it goes
on gambolling from bush to bush, now in sight, now hid from your eye,
, but constantly within hearing.
Its common call-note so resembles that of the Painted Finch or Nonpareil,
that it requires a practised ear to distinguish them. Its song,
however, is very different. It is rather loud, lively yet mellow, and consists
of three notes, resembling the syllables weeU weet, zcectee, a marked
emphasis being laid on the last. Although extremely loquacious during
the early part of spring, it becomes almost silent the moment it has a
brood ; after which its notes are heard only while the female is sitting
on her eggs; for they raise two, sometimes three, broods in a season.
Full of activity and spirit, it flies swiftly after its insect prey, securing
the greater part of it on wing. Its flight is low, gliding, and now
and then protracted to a considerable distance, as it seldom abandons the
pursuit of an insect until it has obtained it.
The nest of this gay bird is always placed low, and is generally attached
to the forks of small twigs. It is neatly and compactly formed of
mosses, dried grasses, and fibrous roots, and is carefully lined with hair,
and not unfrequently a few large feathers. The eggs are from four to
six, of a dull white, spotted with reddish-brown towards the larger end.
The male and female sit by turns, and show extreme anxiety for the safety
of their eggs or young.
My worthy friend JOHN BACHMAN, gave me the following account
of the courageous disposition and strength of attachment of the Hooded
Flycatcher. " I found a nest of these birds in a low piece of ground, so
entangled with smilax and briars that it was difficult for me to pass
through it. The nest was not placed more than two feet from the ground.
This was in the month of May, and the parents were engaged in feeding
the young it contained. Not far from that spot, whilst on a stand, waiting
for a deer to pass, I saw another pair of the Hooded Flycatcher collecting
materials to build a nest. The female was the most active, and
yet the male was constantly near to her. A Sharp-skinned Hawk suddenly
pounced upon them, s*eized the female, and flew off with her. The
male, to my surprise, followed close after the Hawk, flying within a few
inches of him, and darting at him in all directions, as if fully determined
to make him drop his prey. The pursuit continued thus until the birds
were quite out of my sight!"
This species, like many of its delicate tribe, appears to suffer so much
from occasional cold, that, although at all other times a shy and wary bird,
when chilly weather surprises it, it becomes at once careless of its safety.
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