Mangrove Cuckoo, 390
Maple, Dwarf, 207
Meadow Lark, 216
Merchant of Savannah, 549
Migratory Thrush, 190
Mississippi Kite, 108
Squatters of the, 131
Moose Hunt, . 431
Mullein, Great, 87
Muscicapa acadica, 256
canadensis, 17
Cooperi, 422
crinita, 176.
dominicensis, 392
fusca, 122
savana, 387
virens, 93
Wilsonii, 148
Narrow-leaved Kalmia, 548
Laurel, 548
Newfoundland, Ball in, 211
Night Hawk, 273
Nightshade, Woody, 255
Northern Hare, 469
Nuthatch, Brown-headed, 151
Red-bellied, 24
White-breasted, 299
Nuttall's Short-billed Marsh
Wren, 427
Nyssa aquatica, 204
Oak, Black Jack, 107
Chestnut, 195
Live, 509
White, 56, 278
Olive-sided Flycatcher, 422
Orange-crowned Warbler, 449
leaved Azalea, 566
Wild, 475, 460, 560
Owl, Acadian, 567
Barn, 403
Little, 567
Snowy, 135
Parus atricapillus, 373
carolincnsis, 341
Parus hudsonicus, 543
Pea, Sea, 533
Pewee Flycateher, 122
Phlox aristata, 65
maculata, 210
Pigeon, Blue-headed, 411
Key West, 382
White-headed, 443
Picus pileatus, 74
pubescens, 81
tridactylus, 197
varius, 519
Pileated Woodpecker, 74
Pine Creeping Warbler, 233
Yellow, 235
Swamp Warbler, 279
Finch, 455
Pinus balsamea, 426
canadensis, 562
pendula, 458
variabilis, 235 ^
Pink-root, Indian, 65
Pinnated Grous, 490
Pipiry Flycatcher, 392
Pirate, death of a, 180
Pisum maritimum, 533
Polyborus vulgaris., 350
Procelia parviflora, 359
Purple-flowered Anona, 359
Quercus alba, 56
nigra, 107
virens, 509
Quiscalus ferrugineus, 325
major, 504
Racoon Grape, 80
Ramping Trumpet-flower 83
Raspberry, Flowering, 147
Raven, 1
Red-bellied Nuthatch, 24
Red-eyed Vireo, 287
Regulus Calendula, 546
tricolor, 476
Ruby-crowned, 546
Rhododendron maximum, 20
Robin, American, 190
INDEX. 587
Robinia Pseudacacia, 23
Rock Oak, 195
Rosa rubiginosa, 225
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 166
Rough-leaved Cordia, 448
Rough-legged Falcon, 377
Rubus Chamcemorus, 542
villosus, 175
Ruby-crowned Regulus, 546
Runaway, the,.' 27
Rusty Grakle, 325
Sassafras, 258
Savannah, Merchant of, 551
Finch, 63
Sea Pea, 533
Seven Years' Apple, 391
Shrike, Great Cinereous, 534
Sharp-tailed Finch, 281
Shore Lark, 570
Short-billed Marsh Wren, 427
Silver Fir, 426
Sitta carolinensis, 299
canadensis, 24
pusilla, 151
Small Green Crested Flycatcher, 256
Smilacina borealis, 454
Snake, Black, 107
Snake's Head, 160
Snow Bunting, 515
Snowy Owl, 135
Snowball, Swamp, 121
Solanum Dulcamara, 255
Sparrow, Chipping, 21
Field, 229
Fox-coloured, 58
Tree, 511
White-crowned, 88
Yellow-winged, 180
Hawk, American, 246
Spigelia marilandica, 65
Spotted Grous, 437
Spring Garden, 263
Spruce, Hemlock, 562
Squatters of the Mississippi, 131
of Labrador, 154
Squirrel, Ground, 410
Strix flammea, 403
—— nyctea, 135
Stanley Hawk, 245
Streptopus distortus, 442
Sturnus ludovicianus, 216
St John's River in Florida, 291
Swainson's Warbler, 563
Swallow, Barn, 413
Chimney, 329
Swamp Honeysuckle, 96
Magnolia, 118
Snowball, 121
Swedish Cornel, 541
Sweet Briar, 225
Swift, American, 329
Supple Jack, 344
Summer Grape, 92
Sylvia agilis, 227
Bachmanii, 483
Blackburnias, 208
canadensis, 309
celata, 449
coronata, 303
maculosa, 145
mitrata, 66
Parus, 205
petechia, 259, 360
peregrina, 307
Pinus, 233
Sialis, 84
sphagnosa, 279
—striata, 201
Swainsonii, 563
Tawny Thrush, 362
Tea Plant, Labrador, 533
Tennessee Warbler, 307
Tetrao canadensis, 437
Cupido, 490
Saliceti,.. 528
Thalia dealbata, 479
Thick Shell-bark Hickory, 10
Three-toed Woodpecker, 197
Thrush, Golden-crowned, 253
Ferruginous, 102
Migratory, 190
Tawny, 262