Columbine, Canadian, 311
Common Crossbill, 559
Connecticut Warbler, 227
Cordia, Hough-leaved, 448
Cordia Sebestena, 448
Cornus canadensis, 365
florida, 144
suecica, 541
Corvus americanus, 317
canadensis, 53
Corax, 1
cristatus, 11
ossifragus, 269
Cotton Plant, 130
Crataegus apiifolia, 538
Crossbill, Common, 559
Crow, American, 317
Fish, 269
Cuckoo, Mangrove, 390
Cypselus pelasgius, 329
Death of a Pirate, 180
Dogwood, 144
Dove, Ground, 471
Dove, Zenaida, 354
Downy Woodpecker, 81
Dwarf Cornel, 541
Dwarf Huckle-berry, 231
Dwarf Maple, 207
Eagle, Caracara, 350
Golden, 464
White-headed, 160
Emberiza nivalis, 515
Falco Chrysaetos, 464
islandicus, 552
lagopus, 377
leucocephalus, 160
niger,.* 381
Palumbarius, 241
plumbeus, 108
Sparverius, 246
Stanleii, 245
Falcon, Rough-legged, 377
Iceland, 552
Falcon, .Tor, 532
False Acacia, 23
Finch, Bachman's, 366
MacGillivray's, 285
Pine, 455
Savannah, 63
Sharp-tailed, 281
Field Sparrow, 229
Fir, Balsam, 426
— Silver, 426
Fish Crow, 269
Ferruginous Thrush, 102
Florida Keys, 312, 345
Flowering Raspberry, 147
Flycatcher, Fork-tailed, 387
Great Crested, 176
Green-Black-capped, 148
Olive-sided, 422
Pewee 122
Pipiry, 392
Small Green Crested, 256
Warbling, 114
Wood Pewee, 93
Yellow-throated, 119
Force of the Waters, 97
Forests, Burning of the, 397
Forked-tailed Flycatcher, 387
Fox-coloured Sparrow, 58
Fringilla Bachmanii, 366
canadensis, 513
caudacuta, 281
ccerulea, 140
iliaca, 58
Fringilla leucophrys, 88
Lineolnii, 539
. ludoviciana, 166
. Macgillivraii, 285
passerina, 185
pinus, 455
pusilla, 229
Savanna, 63
socialis, 21
Fundy, Bay of, 485
Gentiana saponaria, 228
Gerardia flava, 222
yellow-flowered, 222
Glaucous Kalmia, 542
Gleditschia triacanthos, 279, 290
Golden-crested Wren, American, 476
Gordonia Lasianthus, 389
pubescens, 484
Gossypium herbaceum, 130
Golden Eagle, 464
Golden-crowned Thrush, 253
Goshawk, 241
Grakle, Boat-tailed, 504
Rusty, 325
Grape, Racoon, 80
Summer, 92
Great Cinereous Shrike, 534
Crested Flycatcher, 176
Crow Blackbird, 504
Laurel, 20
Green Black-capped Flycatcher, 148
Grosbeak, Blue, 140
Cardinal, 336
Rose-breasted, 166
Ground Dove, 471
Ground Hemlock, 170
Squirrel, 410
Grous, Canada, 437
~ Pinnated, 490
Spotted or Canada, 437
Willow, 528
Habenaria lacera, 365
Hare, Northern, 469
Haw, Black, 328
Hawk, Black, 381
Sparrow, 246
Helenium quadridentatum, 262
Hemlock, Ground, " 170
Spruce, 562
Warbler, 205
Hickory, Thick shell-bark, 10
Hirundo rustica, 413
Hobble Bush, 260
Honey Locust, 272, 290
Honeysuckle, Swamp, 96
Hooded Warbler, 66
Huckleberry, 451
Dwarf, 231
Hudson's Bay Titmouse, 543
Humming Bird, Mango, 480
Hydrangea quercifolia, 121
Iceland Falcon, 552
Icteria viridis,.- 223
Ilex laxfliora, 308
Indian Pink-root, 65
Iris versicolor,^. 306
Jay, Blue, 11
Canada, 53
Jer Falcon, 552
Journey in New Brunswick and
Maine, 459
Juglans cinerea, 252
sulcata, 10
Kalmia augustifolia, 548
glauca, 542
narrow-leaved, 548
Kentucky Barbicue, 576
Key West Pigeon, 382
Kite, Mississippi, 108
Labrador, Squatters of, 154
Tea-plant, 533
Cod Fishing at, 522
Lanius Excubitor, 534
Large-flowered Bignonia, 482
Lark, Meadow, 216
Shore, 570
Laurel, Great, 20
Narrow-leaved, 548
Laurus Sassafras, 258
Ledum latifolium 533
Lost One, The, 69
Loxia curvirostra, 559
Lilium superbum, 503
Lily, Tiger, 503
Lincoln's Finch, 539
Little Owl, 567
Live Oak, 509
Live-Oakers, the, 237
Macgillivray's Finch, 285
Magnolia glauca, 118
grandiflora, 482
swamp, 118
Mango Humming Bird, 480