Page 473. U r i e g in th u s c y a n o g a s te r .
Natal ; Ladysmith, August ; Colenso and Blauw Kranz, November
not observed in the Newcastle district (B ., F., and B-).
Hart’s River, Mooi, Limpopo and the Zambesi Rivers (Holub).
Page 4 7 4 . U r a ig in th u s g r à n a t in u s .
Rnstenberg (Ayres).
Vaal River northwards to the Zambesi (Holub).
P a g e 4 78. P asser arcuatus.
First observed near Newcastle in September ; not seen there in midwinter,
but probably remains there the whole year round (B., F.,
and B.).
Yery common along the Orange River (Bradshaw).
Page 480. P a s s e r d if f u s u s .
Ingagane Drift, Natal, in Ju ly ; Ladysmith, in August ; Dundee, in
October ; numerous and generally distributed in November from
Ladysmith, as far down as Howick (B., F., and B.)
Yery common along the Orange River (Bradshaw).
Page 841. P e t r o n i a p e t r o n e l l a .
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Page 482. P o lio s p iz a g u l a r i s .
Common about Rustenberg (Ayres).
Colenso, Natal, November 21 (Beid).
P a g e 4 8 4 . C rithagra angolensis.
Tolerably common on the Orange River. Food, seeds. Iris brown ;
bill, brownish; legs flesh-colour (Bradshaw).
Page 4 8 4 . C r i t h a g r a i c t e r a .
Pretty common about Rustenberg (Ayres).
Page 487. C r i t h r a g a b u ty r a c e a .
Yery common. Found about three miles from the Orange _ River.
Food, insects. Iris brown ; bill brown ; legs blackish-brown
P a g e 487. C rithagra sootops.
Not uncommon in the kloofs on the Drakensberg, near Newcastle, in
August (B., F., and B.).
P a g e 4 8 8 . S erinus canicollis.
Common both in winter and summer in Natal, breeding in October
and November (B., F., and, B.).
Page 489. F r i n g i l l a r i a c ap e n s is .
Rocky ranges near Potchefstroom (Ayres).
Not uncommon in the Newcastle district in July and October (B., F.,
and B.).
Griqua Land W e s t: Orange River State (Holub).
Page 489. F r i n g i l l a r i a im p e tu a n i.
This species is not uncommon along the Orange River (Bradshaw).
Page 490. F r i n g i l l a r i a t a h a p is i.
Not uncommon about Rustenberg (Ayres).
Newcastle and Ladysmith in Natal, in June, July, and August (B., F.,
and B .).
Page 491. F r i n g i l l a r i a f l a v i v e n t r i s .
Yery common throughout the wooded parts of the Magaliesbergen
Guinea-fowl Kop, near Ladysmith on the 21st of August (Beid).
Page 493. P y r r h u l a u d a sm ith ii.
Mangwato, December (Ayres).
Page 496. C e r th i l a u d a r u f u l a .
Extremely abundant near Newcastle, breeding (B., F., and B.)
Page 499. A l sm o n s em ito r q u a ta .
A very abundant species on the rocky “ kopjes ” in Natal (B., F.,
and B.).
Page 511. T e p h r o c o r y s o in e r e a .
Found in abundance throughout the colony of Natal, but somewhat
local (B., F., and B.).
Page 513. M i r a f r a a p ia ta .
TJmvuli River, September; Matabele name Quatji (Ayres).
Page 513. In s e rt: M i r a f r a a n g o le n s i s , Bocage. Angola Lark.
Two specimens were sent from Caconda by Senor Anchieta. We
have unfortunately not been able to make out the species without
seeing a specimen.
Page 519. M i r a f r a a f r i c a n a .
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Kanye, Matabele Land, January 8 (Ayres).
Page 524. M i r a f r a n jjv ia .
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Matje Umschlope, November (Ayres).