not a definite eyebrow, but bas a wbite streak extending just over
tbe fore part of tbe eye; tbe ear-coverts are orange; the tail
orange, and the head, bluish-grey.
Adult. (Type of species.)—General colour above, light yellowish-
brown, shading off into orange on the rump and upper tail-coverts,
the latter being bright orange; crown of head slaty-grey; the
feathers in front of and over the fore part of the eye, white; lores,
blackish; cheeks, ear-coverts and entire under surface of body,
bright orange; the centre of the abdomen, white; under wing-
coverts, pale orange; wing-coverts coloured like - the back and
margined externally with orange ; quills, dark brown, the primaries
externally washed with ashy-grey, the secondaries with yellowish-
brown like the back; tail imperfect, the two feathers remaining
-bright orange; bill, black; feet, brown; iris, brown. Total length,
6’5 inches; culmen, 0’6 ; wing, 3’2 ; tail, 2-8; tarsus, TO. (Mus.
2 1 0 . Cossypha barbata. ij Bearded Chat-Thrush.
This fine species, which has more the appearance of an Aedon
than a Cossypha, was met with by Senor Anchieta at Caconda in
Benguela and we are indebted to our friend Professor Barboza du
Bocage' for the loan of the type specimen, which will be figured in his
forthcoming work on the birds of South-Western Africa.
Like G. heuglini, the present species has a very distinct white
eyebrow, but is distinguished by its white throat, in which it
resembles C. humeralis. From the latter, however, it differs in its
white wing-spot and rufous ear-coverts, besides many other minor
particulars. The following is a detailed description of the type-
Adult.—Above, ashy-brown; the rump and upper tail-coverts,
pale orange-rufous; forehead slightly tinged with rufous; lores
and a short eyebrow as well as a ring of feathers round
the eye, white, with a narrow margin of black running above
the white eyebrow; feathers in front of the eye, blackish; ear-
coverts, dull sandy-rufous; cheeks and throat, white, with a long
moustaehial streak of dull grey, extending on each side of the
throat for its whole length; breast and sides of the body, pale
orange, inclining to buff on the centre, of the chest and shading off
into white on the lower abdomen and under tail-coverts; thighs,
white; under wing-coverts also white, the outermost spotted with
black; wings, above ashy-brown, inclining to grey on the coverts,
the least series being streaked with white, the outermost broadly
edged with the same; primaries externally margined with white,
much broader near the base, which is entirely white on these quills,
so as to form a speculum; tail, black, tipped with white, forming a
small triangular spot on the centre feathers and gradually increasing
towards the outermost, the external rectrix being white for its
apical half. Total length, 7 inches; culmen, 0’65; wing, 3'2; tail,
2-8 ; tarsus, T05. (Mus. Lisb.)
211. C qssypha h e u g l in i. Von Heuglin’s Chat-Thrush.
The characters which distinguish this from all the other Chat-
Thrushes of South Africa are the following, viz., a broad white eyebrow
extending along the sides of the crown to the nape, accompanied
by an orange-coloured throat. We have seen two examples
from Angola, and, according to Prof. Barboza du Bocage, it has also
been procured by Anchieta at Caconda in Benguela.
Adult.—General colour above, grey, strongly marked with olive
brown on the back and scapulars and shading off into orange on the
rump and upper tail-coverts, the latter being bright orange; two
centre tail-feathers, dark brown, the rest bright orange, the
external one dark brown on the outer web; wings,- dark brown, the
feathers externally marked with grey, particularly distinct on the
coverts; crown of head, as well as the lores, feathers round the eye
and the ear-coverts, black; over the eye a broad white stripe
extending from the base of the bill to the sides of the nape; cheeks,
sides of neck, and under surface of body, deep orange, paler on the
abdomen; round the hind-neck a faintly indicated orange collar.
Total length, 7 inches; culmen, O’75; wing, 3’45; tail, 3’0;
tarsus, T2.
Fig. Heugl. Orn. N. 0. Afr. taf. 13.