Page 56. F alco communis.
Professor Barboza du Bocage (Orn. Angola, p. 45) refers the pair of
birds obtained by Anchieta on the River Coroca to this species, and
not to Falco minor.
Page 57. F alco biarmicus,
Humbe: native name Lucoi and Kuata-a/ndimba (Hare-catcher)
Lydenbnrg district; breeds in June and July (Ayres').
Bred in the Drakensberg, near Newcastle, August 18th (Bv,tler).
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Newcastle (F. Oates).
Page 60. F alco ruficollis.
Very scarce on the Orange River; only two specimens seen (Bradshaw).
Lydenbnrg district (Ayres).
Near Rorke’s Drift, October 4th (Reid).
Page 60. C erchneis tinnunculus.
According to Mr. Gurney (Ibis, 1881, p. 456) the Damara bird referred
by him to this species was 0. tinwwnculoides, and the occurrence
of the Common Kestrel in South Airica has yet to be confirmed.
Page 62. Cerchneis rupicola.
Native name at Capangombe Banvo, at Huilla Katebi (Anchieta).
Potehefstroom (Ayres).
Abundant near Newcastle, nesting in holes and crevices of the cliffs
(B., F., and R.).
Spalding’s, Hart River, February 3rd; scarce in this part of the
country (Ayres).
Page 63. C erchneis rupicoloides.
Lydenbnrg district; near Pretoria; Potehefstroom ; Rustenberg ; and
between Bloemfontein and Potehefstroom (Barratt).
Not observed nearer to Newcastle than Rorke’s Drift, where Reid
found a pair breeding; iris white; common near Ladysmith
(B., F., and It.).
Page 64. C erchneis naumanni.
This species should bear the name Cerchneis tinnunculoides (Temm ).
Huilla ; native name Katebi (Anchieta).
Near Kingwilliamstown (Trevelyan).
Near Rustenberg ; Potehefstroom district (Barratt).
Holfontein, November-25th (F. Oates).
Inshlangeen River, November 4th (Ayres).
Page 66. C erchneis amurensis.
Potehefstroom, January (Ayres).
Between Sibanani and Tamasancha, December 9th (F. Oates).
Boatlanami Pan, December 31st (Ayres).
Page 67. Cerchneis ardesiaca.
Quanza River (Mus. Brit.).
Page 68. C erchneis dickersoni.
Dr. Sclater informs us that the diseoverer of this species spelt his name
“ Dickinson ” not “ Dickerson,” and the species should stand as
Cerchneis dickinsoni. We forget who it was that informed us that
our orthography was right, but we know that we had good reason
for altering the name at the time.
Page 68. P andion haliaetus.
One seen at the mouth of the Umgeni River, Durban, December
Page 69. S cotopelia p e l i.
Zululand (Gordge: Mus. G. E, Shelley).
We have also seen a specimen said to have been procured on the upper
Quanza River.
Page 70. B ubo capensis.
Newcastle, June 5th (Feilden).
Page 71. B ubo lacteus.
Inkwesi River, August 5th (F. Oates).
Page 73. B ubo maculosus.
Common everywhere on the Orange River (Bradshaw).
Humbe; native name Oimbi (Anchieta).
Between Bloemfontein and Potehefstroom; between the latter place
and Rustenberg, and near Pretoria (Barratt).
Very scarce about Rustenberg (Ayres).
Common everywhere, and breeding near Newcastle (B., F., and R.).
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Page 74. S cops leucotis.
Near Umvungu River, November 3rd; native name, Secova (F. Oates).
Page 75. S cops capensis.
One example obtained in the Drakensberg kloofs, near Newcastle, on
August 23rd (B., F., and R.).
Page 76. S yrnium woodfordi.
Near Potehefstroom (Barratt).
3 F