winter months it makes its appearance in small companies of
from four to ten or a dozen, but is out of plumage and very
scarce during the rainy season, viz., from November to April. In'*
flight and action these birds resemble the other Rollers, and are
usually difficult to approach. They have a most peculiar harsh
cry, which differs from th a t of the other species, and when once
heard is easily recognized on repetition. The male specimen
brought down was shot on the 23rd May, 1878, on the western
boundary of the Leshuno Yalley, through the whole length of
which water only runs during heavy rains. All the specimens
sent had the extremities of the long tail-feathers expanded into
the battledore form.”
I t was also procured on the TTmvuli River by Mr. Jameson’s
expedition, and Senor Anchieta has forwarded a specimen from
Caconda in Benguela.
Page 106. E u ry s tom u s a f e e .
Transvaal, November 26th (Ayres).
TTmvuli River, October 8 : very scarce in this part of Mashoona Land
Near the Umvungu River, November 3rd. Native name Tchegala
(F. Oates).
Page 106. H a p a lo d e rm a n a e in a .
Capangombe. Native names at Biballa, Kissai and Kimamba-muxito
Page 107. A lc e d o s im ito e q u a ta .
Rustenberg (Ayres).
Common on the TTmvuli River, Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Not common near Newcastle : seen occasionally along the upper waters
of the Incandn and its tributaries (B., F., and It.).
Shot in different places between Bloemfontein and Potchefstroom,
from the latter place to Pretoria, and thence to Lydenburg;
Rustenberg; also met with in British Caffraria, and over the
Kei in the Pingoe country (Barratt).
Lydenburg; Rustenberg (Ayres).
Sibanani, December 11th (F. Oates).
Numerous on the Mooi River, and not uncommon on all the streams
passed up to the TTmvuli (Ayres).
Exceedingly common on all the rivers in Natal (B., F., and R.)
Capangombe. Native name Bumbo (Anchieta).
Page 110. C e k y le e u d is .
Potchefstroom, March 22nd (Ayres).
Marico River, November 17th; High Veldt, Transvaal, December 7th
(F. Oates).
Common on all the rivers of Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Common on the Incandu and other streams in the Newcastle d istric t;
Rorke’s Drift (breeding), Colenso, Esteourt, &c.; in fact generally
distributed throughout the Colony. Mouth of the Umgeni in
December (B., F., and R.).
Page 111. C e r y l e maxima.
Very scarce in Rustenberg district (Ayres).
Matengwe River, December 2nd (F. Oates).
Mashoona Land (Ayres).
Umgeni River, November 24th (Reid).
River Chimba ; Huilla (Anchieta).
Near the mouth of the Umgeni in December. Colenso, November 20th
Page 114. H a l c y o n s em ic a r u l e a .
Umvuli River; Mashoona Land, very scarce. A young bird on the
Tatin River, December 13th (Ayres).
Geruah, December 15th (F. Oates).
Capangombe; Humbe (Anchieta).
Professor Cabanis has named the species from South-western Africa
Halcyon pallidiventris (J. f. O. 1880, p. 349).
Page 115. H a l c y o n a lb i v e n t e i s .
Near Rustenberg and Oliphant’s N ek ; also noticed several in the Mega-
liesberg Mountains ; near Pretoria (Barratt).
Common in Rustenberg district (Ayres).
Crocodile River (F. Oates).
Ladysmith (B., F., and R .).
Page 116. H a l c y o n o e i e n t a l i s .
Caconda (Anchieta).
Page 117. H a l c y o n c h e l i c u t e n s i s .
Common in Rustenberg district (Ayres).
Crocodile River, July (F. Oates).
Umvuli River, Au g u st; not uncommon (Ayres).
Quillengues ; Capangombe ; native name Sumbo (Anchieta).